Example sentences of "and [subord] [art] [noun] [vb past] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 But obviously my plant to whack off hastily and then make the second copy had to be abandoned , because my dick would n't even begin to reach over the plastic strip between me and where the glass started when it was soft .
2 And although the committee believed that the problem had been overstated , this did little to allay the anxieties .
3 And although the analyst questioned whether the additional labour in Rochester was completely justified by this , there is no doubt that this fact is at the heart of the differences in unit costs .
4 And if the scientists felt that they could speak with certainty , how much more so the lesser publicists and ideologists who were all the more certain of the experts ' certainties , because they could understand most of what the experts said , at least in so far as it could still be said without the use of higher mathematics .
5 Because German opposition was light in this sector , and because the Germans thought that , after their bleeding at Verdun , they were incapable of massed attack , the French made some gains .
6 When she found that she was pregnant , she turned to her older sister for help , and since the O'Dells knew that Mr Marriner had been paying court to Moira , they assumed he was responsible for her condition .
7 And while the Shah despised and fought against the mullahs , Hassan had his own representatives in almost all the brotherhoods and mosques .
8 ‘ the simple facts which the court has to find are whether the defendant 's conduct in fact prevented the police from carrying out their duty , or made it more difficult for them to do so , and whether the defendant intended that conduct to prevent the police from carrying out their duty or to make it more difficult to do so . ’
9 She could n't help laughing back at him , and when the others saw that she was genuinely amused they relaxed .
10 The meadow began to mushroom with tents and huts and the street theatre erupted into an explosion of living history , the performers flinging themselves to the ground and then leaping into the air as and when the idea occurred and making funny faces all the while .
11 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food , and that it was a delight to the eyes , and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise , she took of the fruit thereof , and did eat ; and she gave also unto her husband with her , and he did eat …
12 Just at that moment my gardener came with his basket , and when the woman realised that the flowers in the vase on my table were going to be thrown away , to make way for the fresh ones .
13 He was , and when the youth heard that Herbert Chapman wanted him to play for Huddersfield , ‘ I remember how he dropped the barrow .
14 And when the city fell and she decided that my fate was no longer one she chose to share , she returned to Buto .
15 And when the snow thawed and took with it the paint they had daubed it with , he was out there picking off the remaining flakes of paint , and cursing with disappointment .
16 The promised allowance to cover extra heating and lighting was not forthcoming , and as the days lengthened and winter approached there was understandable bad feeling between landladies and their reluctant lodgers .
17 Such mishaps were bad omens , and though the townspeople maintained that they did not take the Wheel seriously they were happier when all went according to plan .
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