Example sentences of "and [subord] [art] [noun] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Alfred the Great led the resistance against the Danes from Athelney in the Somerset Levels ; and although every schoolchild knows that William of Normandy conquered England in 1066 , he did not succeed in subduing Ely and the surrounding fens until 1071 , when Hereward the Wake submitted .
2 And although the committee believed that the problem had been overstated , this did little to allay the anxieties .
3 And although the police say that crimes against motorists are still relatively rare , all drivers should be on their guard .
4 And if a school feels that adding that fourth R to the old reading , writing , arithmetic routine then it seems a parent should n't expect more .
5 And if the scientists felt that they could speak with certainty , how much more so the lesser publicists and ideologists who were all the more certain of the experts ' certainties , because they could understand most of what the experts said , at least in so far as it could still be said without the use of higher mathematics .
6 And if the breeders reply that it is the puppy dealers ' fault , how could any self-respecting breeder sell puppies to dealers in the first place ?
7 Against the use of a letter it must be noted that it is not easy to write a short but very clear letter explaining everything the informant may want to know , and if the recipient decides that she or he does not want to co-operate then she/he is warned in advance of the interviewer 's call .
8 The Raasay ferry takes only a handful of vehicles and rather more passengers , and travels frequently , and if the ferryman finds that he has no room for you on his last run of the day from Raasay back to Sconser he will return .
9 And unless the city knows that it 's hopeless , they might simply pick up the whole war again .
10 Moore 's the guilty player Jochim had got away from him and unless the referee decides that there was another defender coming round on the cover there Moores could be in big trouble .
11 Because German opposition was light in this sector , and because the Germans thought that , after their bleeding at Verdun , they were incapable of massed attack , the French made some gains .
12 When she found that she was pregnant , she turned to her older sister for help , and since the O'Dells knew that Mr Marriner had been paying court to Moira , they assumed he was responsible for her condition .
13 ‘ the simple facts which the court has to find are whether the defendant 's conduct in fact prevented the police from carrying out their duty , or made it more difficult for them to do so , and whether the defendant intended that conduct to prevent the police from carrying out their duty or to make it more difficult to do so . ’
14 She could n't help laughing back at him , and when the others saw that she was genuinely amused they relaxed .
15 He is a young friend of Stepan Verkhovensky , and when the notebooks record that Granovsky ( Stepan 's prototype ) has got out of hand they are also heralding the novelist 's escape into a fictional mode of enormous suppleness .
16 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food , and that it was a delight to the eyes , and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise , she took of the fruit thereof , and did eat ; and she gave also unto her husband with her , and he did eat …
17 Just at that moment my gardener came with his basket , and when the woman realised that the flowers in the vase on my table were going to be thrown away , to make way for the fresh ones .
18 He was , and when the youth heard that Herbert Chapman wanted him to play for Huddersfield , ‘ I remember how he dropped the barrow .
19 Now I will give my pledge Mr Mayor that if and when the situation arises that a full service is required and needed , it will get my full support , er I hope it 's not , but if it should arise I would have no hesitation in supporting the second part of the amendment .
20 Such mishaps were bad omens , and though the townspeople maintained that they did not take the Wheel seriously they were happier when all went according to plan .
21 And though the photos show that Julie , too , carried a camera — dangling round her neck — that had also disappeared .
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