Example sentences of "and [subord] [pers pn] [adv] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A better known work where such relationships are evident , and where they surely form part of any responsible approach to performance , is the D major Te Deum of Charpentier ( H146 ) , already cited .
2 In 1692 he published a Pharmacologia , an early work on drugs and medicines , which showed his wide botanical knowledge and where he gratefully acknowledged help from Sloane , Ray , Sherard , Doody and Petiver .
3 And so they merely shook hands , and she walked off down the garden path to her door .
4 The English fought on foot at Hastings , and although they certainly used horses for transport , they may normally have fought on foot ; Henry I 's knights at Tinchebrai in 1106 also dismounted , owing to the nature of the battlefield .
5 Despite himself he had been touched by her fierce defence of him , and although he frequently entertained Mrs Darrell he only did so because she was the widow of his dead friend .
6 And although he passionately rejected demands from radical Soviet reformers to abandon the party 's monopoly of power , at least at this moment , he insisted that only the most far-reaching changes could solve the Soviet economic crisis .
7 And although it usually charges £92 a line for connections ( 15 line minimum ) , it reduced its charges last year , and will be charging £26 a line until at least the end of February .
8 It is hard work for most amateurs , using unaccustomed muscles , to double dig a whole plot , and although it undoubtedly improves fertility , the effort and perspiration always feels more justified when you understand why you are expending it — so here is the explanation .
9 If we go for a single currency because we wish to protect , above all , the position of the City of London — still the premier financial centre of Europe — and if we also concede ground on foreign policy , in terms of majority decision making , and on defence policy by creating effectively a defence community , and if we allow the Commission to issue visitors ' visas , we shall be on a slippery slope .
10 Erm and if we then find money for printing it I would approach Barclays Bank , banks , local banks and would it do it very modestly the same local the same style er and only hand it out to places where people are likely to pick it up .
11 She certainly needed a break from Glyn , and if she never saw Mr Edmund Clarke again it would be too soon .
12 With regard to what he said about Stratford school , if he had taken rather more interest in the school when it was in the control of Newham and insisted on the school keeping up to reasonable standards and if he now put pressure on Newham LEA to ensure that it raised standards in schools , he would be doing more for his constituents than he is by his performance today .
13 In case there are any reading this who have still not seen the vision , allow me to spell it out in moral advice : If you attend zoos and circuses — find other entertainment ; if you are engaged in intensive ‘ livestock ’ farming — throw away the systems of close confinement ; if you are engaged in animal experimentation — find alternatives ; and if you still eat meat — give it up .
14 And if you still have time to spare you can spend a weekend in Andorra ( beautiful and taxfree ) or jump on the train to Sitges or the Costa Brava .
15 And if you ever have word for me that may bear fruit , come and ask entry to me wherever I am .
16 They remain botanically important because some were cited by Linnaeus and other botanists and because they graphically record plants in cultivation at that time .
17 The Princess of Wales survives attacks because she is glamorous , lovable , a devoted mother of her two boys , because children adore her and she has a natural affinity with them , and because she bravely enters fields which command respect ( shaking hands with AIDS victims for example ) .
18 For his part , Edward sensed that the ice was cracking and since he desperately needed money , preferably without political complications — his lay subjects were restive now — he restored the archbishop 's lands and offered the primate and several magnates what they were by then demanding — confirmation of Magna Carta , the Charter of the Forest and some additional articles .
19 It too uses a partly graphical presentation of results after the analysis is complete , and while it still references factors such as average sentence and word length , also included is the proportion of certain types of word such as personal pronouns .
20 And before I even had time to wonder if Tony So per himself had slept between these very army blankets , I was asleep .
21 Suddenly she was aware that he had moved in closely behind her and before she even had time to think his arms went round her .
22 In Spain , about the only times when things got put in this much perspective were when Nirvana were actually playing — Madrid was still below-par , frenzy-wise , but a thrilling experience purely because the audience was so enthused by it all — and when I finally interviewed Dave , Chris and Kurt .
23 The job of keeping them together has been entrusted to a series of ‘ confidants ’ who write his books , churn out his articles , furnish his quotes , capture his image and sweeten the sour , and when I once asked Niki why he would n't ever do a serious — and in consequence , a truthful — book about himself , he replied , why should he ?
24 He followed them home with something of the elation of a successful spy , and when he eagerly observed Clare 's final self-abandonment in the porch it seemed to him that he had obtained some immensely pleasurable secret .
25 The important word here is ‘ recognisable ’ , and as I often tell people , Beethoven 's 5th Symphony can be recognised within four notes .
26 At one point he faints , and as he slowly regains consciousness he imagines that he is being ordered to ‘ merge ’ through ‘ osmosis ’ ( 109/111 ) .
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