Example sentences of "and [subord] [pron] 've [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Erm and erm I do n't think that on the to go on about affordable housing as I did this morning , I do n't think that in fact the affordable housing targets which the different authorities have and although I 've only quoted four authorities I think , I think the other ones will be very much the same .
2 Yes I have , I mean , firstly my colleagues have been very supportive , and my company , Sea Search Editions , but the er local businesses , the other local businesses have started to respond and although I 've only put , I 've got piles of envelopes at home to deliver still , I am getting some success , I 'm rapidly getting near that 512 pounds .
3 And if we 've now embarrassed one or two smaller firms into actually putting money into our college .
4 Please come home and we 'll have the meal she 's doing and if you 've nowhere to go you 're very welcome to stay .
5 And if you 've just come in , here are the main headlines from the budget .
6 It 's a spoof cop movie from the team who brought you Airplane , and if you 've never seen it then do n't sit here reading this élitist drivel — race , hop , limbo or mince to your nearest ‘ Videorama ’ and prepare to BARK with laughter , split your stays , and have the parts refreshed that other sagas can not reach .
7 You have ties obviously to hold certain things in and if you 've only got a van with a a third full you 'll have to use the ties because there 's space left over .
8 You 're very keen on commitment this summer , Leo and if you 've recently decided to marry , this will be a very happy time of year for you .
9 And , and unless we 've actually got an i er a request to back it
10 Er Mr has referred to site number five which was the A six one north of Killinghall and because we 've already had this discussion , I would presume the inner relief road would have dramatically changed those figures there .
11 As a matter of practice , and because we 've all got to live , we all draw about two-thirds of what we would have got last year as we go along , then share out the rest at the end of the year . ’
12 ‘ Because you 're a young lady , and because you 've already had your share of hard luck , ’ said Joe .
13 And since I 've just sworn an oath to this effect , it might seem pointless to offer further assurances , particularly since I ca n't back them up .
14 Also , the UK Customs people seem to have a penchant for opening packages with disks in , and whilst I 've never heard of anything going missing from such a package , they never seem to have grasped the idea that magnets and x-rays do n't mix well with floppy disks .
15 And even when I learned you were a prying journalist — and when I 've always preferred my walks to be solitary — what do I find but that I 'm asking if you would like to walk with me ! ’
16 ‘ It 's not anything like as easy as one imagines at the beginning , ’ she said , ‘ and when you 've actually qualified it 's quite frightening when you 're confronted by an animal with some mysterious disease and an anxious client standing by .
17 Although I 'm not actually on the Committee of the Bridgenorth Community Centre , I 'm obviously very closely connected with it , and as we 've previously spoken about Age Concern , it is our hope that another day centre for the elderly will be set up once that community centre is up and running , because there are a great deal of elderly in that particular area .
18 ‘ It 's difficult to believe that I 'm still a Musketeer , but I am , and as we 've always told each other everything , I must tell you that although Mummy and Dad do such a lot for me , I 'm Perfectly miserable .
19 Amongst the major shares , Abbey National are down 1 at 212 , and as I 've just mentioned , British Aerospace went down 12 to 541 , British Airways were down 2 at 158 , British Gas were down 2 at 217 , British Steel down 2 at 119 , British Telecom down 9 at 276 , Rolls Royce down 5 to 175 and T S B down 2 at 119 .
20 When therefore I perceived that there were three species of liberty which are essential to the happiness of social life , religious , domestic and civil , and as I 've already written concerning the first , and the magistrates were strenuously active in obtaining the third , I determined to turn my attention to the second , or the domestic species .
21 Now the authority of the community was carried by the Sanhedrin they brought him to what is what they accepted as a trial erm they 'd assessed that something was going against their structures , and as I 've already said religious life was the most important thing he 'd broken it seems a religious law and the council the court the gathering together of the seventy members of the Sanhedrin were going to in a serious sort of way check this out , check this accusation out .
22 the revised criteria and and and as you 've just read it out , I think for consistency with paragraph thirty three of P P G three , there needs to be the word unacceptable coalescence .
23 It 's impossible to judge exactly how many people will come in as a result of that and er , how much expenditure will be incurred because as you know we 're in a recessionary period and as you 've already heard there is concern about current trading , but I would hope that it would bring in er , something like a hundred and fifty thousand extra people , certainly in a good year I 'd expect more than that but really that 's about as much as I 'm prepared to say with some additional spending which will be incurred at Alton Towers .
24 See , and as you 've never seen them before ( for this reason the video carries an 18 certificate ! ) .
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