Example sentences of "and [subord] [pron] could [vb infin] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In 1681 he launched Pennsylvania ( which included three counties that in 1702 became Delaware ) as an immense private estate to which settlers were welcomed and where they could buy land on relatively easy terms .
2 What it boiled down to was : there was here , where he had friends and family , or there was London where he had a few friends and a lot of contacts , and it felt like things were happening , and where you could fill time with something no matter how mixed up and fraudulent you felt … or there was abroad , of course ; the rest of the world ; India ( to take the most extreme example he 'd found so far ) , where you felt like an alien , lumbering and self-conscious , materially far more rich and spiritually far more poor than the people who thronged the place , where just by that intensity of touching , that very sweating crowdedness , you felt more apart , more consigned to a different , echoing place inside yourself .
3 His mother the dowager Queen Isabella survived until 1358 and if she could transmit title to Edward III , why could not Jeanne of Navarre , Louis X 's daughter , or any of the daughters of Philip V do likewise ?
4 That there would be evacuations , they thought very likely and if I could leave Wiltshire and get back again , there would be no problem .
5 Two children from her husband 's first marriage were also staying , ‘ and if I could have pictures , ’ she says , ‘ I would have drawn the house with big bulges all over it . ’
6 And if you could meet Swire Sugden yourself he might listen to you being an honourable an' all that , ’ said Otley to my amazement , I never knew he was a royalist .
7 The wedding had to be postponed because she became ill , and before it could take place , the King dissolved Parliament and revoked its laws .
8 I remember coming home from school and before you could do homework or go out to play there were always chores to do — you know , our own set of chores .
9 Whereupon I fell about in my chair at this with an effective simulacrum of sycophancy , then matadored the old charm around in front of him for a few minutes , and before you could say fundador Walt was on his knees begging me for the coup de grâce .
10 You might be in here , harmless , visiting somebody , and before you could say Werewolves Unite they 'd have you on the operating table , jacking both legs off .
11 He hesitated before her a moment , and then he took her hands and bent his head , and gave her the solemn kiss of kinship ; and before she could draw breath and touch her astonished fingers to her lips , he was out of the paddock and away across the clearing into the trees .
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