Example sentences of "and [subord] [noun] [be] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Like so many others , Baron de Tracy knew which way the wind blew and where gain was to be had .
2 But it is extremely unreasonable to suppose that all ( perhaps any ) human beings act from that motivation , either , and if morality is to be a generally human phenomenon , it is simply a mistake to equate it from the beginning with such exigently Kantian formulations , and it is a mistake even from the point of view of the human sciences .
3 That is simply because it has to be that low if some of these houses are to be considered habitable at all , and if others are to be inhabited by two , or often by three , families at the same time .
4 Individuals are therefore not subjects , and if history is to be a process without a subject there must be no subjects short of the ensemble of practices itself .
5 Pessimistic in the sense that is says people are basically nasty , and if society is to be possible , then nastiness has to be controlled in some way or other , and since human nature is anti-social , social order comes about against the grain of human nature as a rule , has to be imposed on human nature .
6 In most cases the length of I provides a useful assessment of the mean diameter , and if determinations are to be made in the field this diameter provides a useful measure of average size .
7 Japan 's money policy had to tighten sharply , if the yen were not to collapse and if inflation was to be kept under control .
8 Their habits have probably always been similar , and if survival is to be taken as a measure of success , their conservative way of life has ensured them of a leading place in the evolutionary marathon .
9 At some point during the course of the drafting of the documentation it will be necessary to consider when and if printers are to be engaged to print ( and most likely despatch ) the documentation to shareholders .
10 There is no reason why the clause should not set out the detail of the procedure , such as time limits by which representations have to be made , and whether representations are to be exchanged simultaneously between the parties or served consecutively like pleadings .
11 This means that the programs could be written in Cobol ( the host language ) and when data is to be retrieved from the database , the special DSL ALPHA commands will apply .
12 The proposal must also contain details of the debtor 's assets and liabilities ; the duration of the arrangement ; and when distributions are to be made to creditors , with estimates of amounts .
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