Example sentences of "and [v-ing] a [adj] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 They are also extremely vocal , calling and bellowing a good deal of the time .
2 If you seriously wish to lose your weight then it is most sensible to do it by looking carefully at your diet and eating a good balance of carbohydrates and protein with a reduced fat content .
3 Ella Burrows , ever the angel of mercy , organised the girls Into baking tins of biscuits and cakes , and knitting a constant supply of jumpers and balaclavas for the menfolk .
4 Whilst this representation provides a very compact method of holding and handling a wide range of the common geometric forms found in engineering , it can result in a long processing time when real model edges have to be determined in complex models .
5 Mr Holmes took the Best Kept Tractor award with a unit that 's no wallflower , ploughing 2,500 acres per year with a 16in 5-furrow plough/press combination , foraging 200 acres with a JF machine , baling 5–6,000 Hesston big square bales and handling a fair measure of subsoiling and cultivation besides .
6 I also recognised that I was expected to take responsibility for the interpretation of the utterance , exploring a wide range of contextual assumptions ( about hospitals , illness , operations , and convalescence ) and deriving a wide range of contextual implications — not only a wider range than I would have derived had the newsreader just produced [ 14b ] , but a wider range than I would have derived if I had realised that the speaker was talking about the pound .
7 Reciprocating coalitions are an important feature of these multi-male groups and particular friends at the top of the hierarchy can effectively ‘ police ’ the unit , reducing the frequency of quarrels and maintaining a low level of disturbance of pregnant and lactating females .
8 The brilliant pebbles concept was intended to replace the original SDI proposal of 300 larger orbiting stations , housing about 10 interceptors each and using a complex system of lasers and mirrors .
9 It recommended doing away with juries in complicated fraud cases and using a special tribunal of a judge and a couple of chaps who understand what 's going on in court .
10 This role , of locally providing and administering a wide range of public services , from planning and transport to housing and education , was deeply embedded in the postwar political consensus , and local government seemed to have found a safe and secure niche with the coming of a fully fledged welfare state .
11 Jackson had been in Singapore since Saturday , giving two concerts and enjoying a final day of relaxation that included a visit to the zoo and a meeting in his hotel with six orang-utans .
12 In effect she was working harder than ever and enjoying a supreme burst of creative energy since she could now release her talents into producing fabrics and accessories for every aspect of the home , while leaving Deborah in charge of garments .
13 I forgot that someone was living illegally in Paris on the floor of my home and demanding a large sum of money to leave .
14 This involved redefining its areas of competence , becoming more professionalized and articulating a new ideology of rationality and instrumentality consistent with the democratic model of responsible government and separation of powers .
15 More conspicuous , and producing a pungent pong of his own , was Jimmy Hill .
16 Shortly before that , I had gone into business with Mrs Edna Kirby , trading as KB Enterprises ( John Birch ) Ltd. , developing and producing a new type of UVA Sunbed .
17 In 1898 he began observing the habits of wild birds in earnest , making detailed notes on the spot , and became a key pioneer ( as observer and interpreter ) in the ethological study of bird behaviour , introducing the words ‘ bird-watcher ’ and ‘ bird-watching ’ into the language and producing a large output of influential scientific papers and books — the latter including Bird Watching ( 1901 ) , The Bird Watcher in the Shetlands ( 1905 ) , Bird Life Glimpses ( 1905 ) , Realities of Bird Life ( 1927 ) , Thought-transference — or What ? — in Birds ( 1931 ) , and Evolution of Habit in Birds ( 1933 ) — as well as many essays ( mostly in the Saturday Review ) and several other books on popular natural history and for children .
18 100 should be sufficient enough for most processes ; you would need to be using the SPR/SSR system very heavily and producing a large number of listings to exceed 100 simultaneous requests .
19 Development plans ( where they exist ) are certainly used in development control , but many policies are not covered by the plans , and even when they are , they are typically expressed in general terms requiring interpretation of their meaning and allowing a wide range of discretion .
20 Contribute to and respond constructively in discussion or debate , advocating and justifying a particular point of view .
21 In a similar vein , Dr M in Department B said that the first year is concerned with ‘ settling in and acquiring practice , and acquiring a certain body of common reading which can then be appealed to or built on in subsequent years ’ .
22 As part of the proposed deal , IBM is expected to resell System 290s — currently in their second generation , based on the 50MHz version of the Intel Corp chip , up to 128Mb main memory and incorporating a super-secure implementation of RAID 5 disk array technology , starting at $25,000 — while the new line of servers is being put together .
23 Nevertheless , we soon found that producing a publication of the required length , and assembling a representative group of writers , was no easy task .
24 But this time I am prepared for it and wind the reel — a fast-retrieve model fortunately — as fast as possible , dipping the rod-tip to the surface of the lake on my right and applying a massive dose of side-strain .
25 To my mind it 's a pity you did n't take that attitude when you were first made aware of the situation , because when I returned from next door you were still yelling your head off at her and painting a vivid picture of what her life would be with an illegitimate child tacked on to her .
26 The writing was on the wall , however , and the fateful day eventually arrived in 1906 , when the last of the Eastington mills finally closed , putting large numbers out of work and ending a long history of cloth making in the parish .
27 At the same time , and keeping a tiny amount of white fondant in reserve for the dice , divide the remaining fondant into four even portions ( about 50g/2oz each ) .
28 The embassy also suggests avoiding crowds , not arguing politics with the locals and keeping a reserve fund of cash available in case banks are closed , including the 45 dinars residents need for the normal exit stamp if your stay has been longer than six months .
29 Eradication of H pylori also lowered the postprandial total immunoreactive gastrin concentration with the median 20 minute value falling from 59 pmol/l ( 38–114 ) to 33 pmol/l ( 19–88 ) ( p<0.005 ) , and representing a median fall of 43% ( Fig 2 ) .
30 Round the corner from the old jail , the Royal Hotel boasted a well inside the bar , the top covered by glass and the stone walls curving down into darkness and revealing a tiny gleam of water .
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