Example sentences of "and [was/were] [vb pp] [conj] they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Crown Prosecution Service were informed of Buckley J. 's order and of the plaintiffs ' intention to appeal from the decision of Wright J. , and were asked whether they wished to intervene or make representations in the appeal .
2 In the present case the Crown Prosecution Service were informed of the order made by Buckley J. including paragraph 33 and were asked whether they wished to intervene in the hearing before the Court of Appeal or otherwise make representations in the appeal .
3 Parents who requested places on a Kindertransport were warned that orthodox foster homes were not on offer and were asked if they objected to Christian hospitality .
4 We enquired and were told that they had been disbanded .
5 The Decameron stories are used merely as test material and were chosen because they seemed intuitively to be constructed primarily in narrative terms , as opposed to psychological , philosophical or descriptive ones .
6 We have ourselves observed and documented many such cases in our studies of local politics in Kensington and Chelsea , and Croydon , where relatively powerless groups of underprivileged people were frequently ignored by councillors when they played by the rules of the game , and were vilified when they did not .
7 Happily my inspector friend was at hand , He opened the Chief Constable 's hospitality cupboard , I had a dram and was told that they had been tipped off that afternoon about some Scot that would run some sheep through the Lion .
8 But when they were late in arriving , Mr Stokes rang the agent and was told that they had been impounded at Dover for five weeks while checks were made for drugs .
9 The officer had not seen the girl 's boyfriend and was told that they did not know where he was .
10 It went into the crowd , deflated and insubstantial , and was caught as they surged forwards .
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