Example sentences of "and [was/were] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I recall how disappointed I was in the morning to discover that the pebbles I had collected so lovingly the evening before were just a pile of dull stones now that they had dried and were away from the beach .
2 Sir Nicholas Fairbairn , a former Solicitor-General for Scotland , said some lawyers were deliberately spinning out cases and were on to a meal ticket .
3 " A small part , " 90 entire pennies and a few fragments , was recovered by the Scottish Exchequer and were mostly from the reign of Eadgar with others from Athelstan , Edmund , Eodred and Eadwig .
4 It meant that major strikes almost invariably began from the bottom up and were largely outside the control of the unions .
5 We set off through the pretty woods and were soon at the base of the remarkably clean , steep granite buttress .
6 While the splendid John Devereux improved his chances of being named in today 's Great Britain touring squad to Australia , with a fine display from his old rugby union position of centre , they were without too many of their creative players to open a hard-tackling defence which absorbed the pressure and were always on the lookout for the counter-attack .
7 So she went with the architect and he was wanting to show us this kind of and we were like , were cold and were back to the hotel , we did n't even go into the house .
8 and , who work in Risley 's Effluent Plant Projects Office , were quick off the mark in the second race and were back in the boat house long before the second boat , crewed by and , had completed the required four laps .
9 It is doubtful if the claim of the kings of Burgundy and Italy to bear the title emperor had more substance than the fact that they held the north of Italy and the chief routes over the Alps and were therefore in a position to put pressure on the pope .
10 Waterloo , having been worn down in the trench warfare , were left with little option but to run the ball and were still in the match when , from 30 yards range , Buckton fashioned a fine try for the lively Saverimutto .
11 Eochaid and his fifty horsemen had overcome the special detachment from Leven and were safely inside the monastery .
12 ‘ Some of my best friends in Britain worked for them and were suddenly on the end of fax machines .
13 The captains knew all the tricks though , and were constantly on the watch .
14 Even more striking were the elephants that once lived on Malta , and were only about a metre in height .
15 ‘ We 'd dreamt of coming near the mountains and the sea and were out for a drive one Sunday afternoon with that idea in the back of our minds .
16 ‘ I 'll say , ’ Ven snarled , and was over by the door , blocking out the light from the sitting-room when , ‘ I never did like my women that clinging ! ’ he barked brutally .
17 Our screen was situated outside the office on a patch of grass , reached by the usual cinder path , and was right on the edge of the air field .
18 Ducking under their grasp , I fell into the garden , staggered up , running already , dodging a flying kick from Ernest , and was away down the path .
19 He served as chairman in 1769 , 1770 , and 1772 , and was thus at the centre of public attention at a crucial stage in Anglo-Asian relations .
20 In the heyday of Napoleon 's conquests he had access to fossils from all over Europe and was thus in a position to make the first comprehensive study .
21 suggested in Ex parte Benson ( No. 2 ) , The Times , 21 November 1988 , the decision in Handscomb had been that detention for a period equivalent to a determinate sentence of 27 years exceeded by such a wide margin any determinate sentence passed in recent years for the offence of manslaughter by reason of diminished responsibility , and was thus in the absence of reasons irrational , I would not disagree .
22 During take-offs and landings , some Flying Control personnel would occupy a caravan placed near the start of the runway being used , and they would fire green or red flares to let the aircraft know if they were cleared to land or take-off , and on this occasion one of the men was very quick off the mark , saw the crash and was immediately on the spot , helping the crew to get out of the burning aircraft .
23 The fact that he could get such good results by orthodox bowling also left one wondering why he occasionally indulged in a bouncer war , for it obviously did his reputation no good and was not as a rule very productive .
24 He 's claimed that the drug he took was only for his asthma , and was NOT on the list of banned substances .
25 He subsequently abandoned the forgery allegation and amended his counterclaim to plead ( i ) non est factum on the grounds that Mrs. Steed did not know that she had been appointed attorney and was not aware that she was signing a transfer of the property ; and ( ii ) that the transaction effected by the transfer was not a sale and was not within the power conferred by the power of attorney .
26 The new pleading , so far as relevant to the claim against the building society , constituted ( i ) a plea of non est factum based on the proposition that Mrs. Steed did not know she had been appointed attorney and did not know she was signing a transfer of the property ; ( ii ) a plea that the transaction effected by the transfer was not a sale and was not within the power conferred by the power of attorney .
27 The House of Lords held that the surveyor was discharging the duties of both expert and quasi-arbitrator , and was not in the position of an independent arbitrator who had no other duty which involved acting in the interests of one of the parties , and that accordingly in so acting he was not guilty of collusion or bad faith .
28 It took a little time to find the girl who had been moved and was not in the room that the Sub-lieutenant had told him how to find .
29 He was detained in Newgate prison in Dublin in 1797 , but he appears to have taken little part in the 1798 rebellion and was not among the state prisoners incarcerated after its suppression .
30 Looking round for Blackberry , he saw that he had left them and was up at the top of the pool , where the narrow beach tailed away into a gravel spit .
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