Example sentences of "and [vb infin] [subord] [pron] [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I turned the cab back , deciding to breakfast somewhere and wait until I could speak to Miss Grey …
2 If you want an Italian restaurant where the waiters bring you menus instead of shouting at you , where they leave the lights on instead of turning them off every twenty minutes , and where they make you get up and dance before they 'll turn them on again , then do n't try the Vecchio Reccione , however convenient it is for Stringfellows .
3 Let intuition take over and see whether you can find some promising lines , passing through several of these points .
4 Let's go on and see whether you can pick it up .
5 Children described to the interviewers how they had been referred to the library to find information on Inuits and Eskimos in basic studies , Scott of the Antarctic in history , and Alexander Fleming in science , while one child described how : In RE sometimes Miss asks us to go and find out ( like ) some information and also in literacy ( like ) there are some people who write letters backwards and Miss asks us to go back and see if we could find any .
6 I mean , we 'll go up and see if we can start it
7 Shall we go back and see if we can change it ?
8 Confronted with such a situation , with no sure indication as to how , if at all , a satisfactory clarification of particular identity might be found , we might be tempted to think that the best course to follow is to try and see if we can make do without relying on this awkward and intractable concept .
9 Let's cruise and see if we can pick him up . ’
10 ‘ Let's just pop upstairs and see if we can find something more suitable . ’
11 Yeah but he was a shopper so person in charge let's go and see if we can find someone .
12 right , alright , let's go and see if we can find these words
13 ‘ We 'll go up and see if we can see how she got here .
14 ‘ Let's go and see if we can see the fogs , then when we 're sure about them , perhaps we can get a close look at the engine — perhaps it 's broken down . ’
15 Let's go underground and see if we can get them to talk a bit more freely . "
16 It does reflect right through society er still does n't , the message still does n't get home , and I would like to move Mr Chairman , that er we do again er write and see if we can get some special recognition of this very serious problem that there is .
17 oh I said we 'll try and see if we can get it done I says , so
18 to try and see if we can get some sort of dance group in to get that culture over .
19 ‘ Our aim is to stay on course to meet our objectives , continue to learn and see if we can steal another victory . ’
20 So if , if he goes round after er school he can just walk round and see if he can get it .
21 ‘ You should try and see if you can do it yourself , ’ Denice suggests .
22 Robert , had n't you better go and see if you can comfort her ? ’
23 Now , you managed to trick us into publishing — sort of tricked Thereza — into publishing a few numbers and now you 're going to go back and see if you can produce those as fraud .
24 ‘ Was it not an instinctive reaction to break and see if you could help them , just in case you had to stop to do something about them ? ’
25 Well , as John Major would say , you 'll have to wait and see if I may say so .
26 Include it in that , those twelve weeks because I know it 's , you know , a bit erm I would try and see if I could set up some sex education with the health centre and the , you know , that she used to take them and they went through contraception and condoms and whatever at the , and she used to take them down for an afternoon it might well be that they have to miss a lesson
27 Afterwards , George asked me to come down and see if I could talk some sense into you .
28 I expressed my gratitude , but explained to the Queen that I must ask leave to go away and see if I could form an administration .
29 ' I 'll go and see if I can arrange some transport , ’ said Tuppe .
30 All right : let's go and see if I can help them get in .
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