Example sentences of "and [vb infin] [pers pn] if [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The second ( 2.5.4 ) may even surprise and delight you if you 've not seen it before .
2 Well we could go down and watch it if you like .
3 And er , I 'll come down and show them if they like .
4 I might pop in and see her if I get a chance but
5 He has an open-door policy , which means that staff are encouraged to come and see him if they have problems .
6 I knew I was going on too long , but I kept thinking that Mr Taylor would butt in and stop me if he wanted to .
7 She was finding the party more trying than she expected , and told me to come and get her if I needed her for anything …
8 She 'll try and bite you if she sees you , sir . ’
9 And these bloody boys who were supposed to come and help you if you got , they 're whizzing round and they 're
10 The extra vehicles in the street with their flashing blue lights , had brought some of the neighbours to their doors or bedroom windows and one of the uniforms was designated to go and ask them if they 'd seen anything .
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