Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [that] [pron] [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 King Edward bent to pick it up amid suggestive laughter , declaring ‘ shame on him who thinks evil of it ’ , and prophesying that he would make it the most sought-after badge of honour in Britain .
2 Then , while Leith was again holding down the urge to hit him , and seeing that he 'd prefer not to sack her without just cause — thereby deeply offending his cousin — he had bent and picked up his briefcase .
3 ‘ When we were waiting to be questioned by the police , Doug Wilson was saying that Rodney had been making a play for Angy and hinting that he might have got somewhere . ’
4 On an evening when he had broken the silence with one of his quietist cracks she would feel a sense of remorse and insufficiency descending on her , and hours later find herself in the larder , eating the remains of whatever was under the meat sieve and weeping that she should do something so self-defeating and stupid .
5 After giving Lamb directions to the farm and explaining that he would lodge at Bert Weald 's cottage , Jonadab and George turned away .
6 ‘ You 'd think people would have heed , but no heed , never any heed , no care for anybody else , ’ he complained as he drove ; but before the bridge he startled them by driving the car into the space in front of McCabe 's and announcing that they would walk the rest of the way through the village .
7 Later , Koffigoh appeared on national television , saying that he had surrendered to avoid further bloodshed and announcing that he would form a government of national unity .
8 Leila drives , a remarkable performance given that we are so wet and steaming that she must peer through condensation thick enough to carve .
9 ‘ Roman is an unusual Christian name , ’ she said , wishing and dreading that he would remove his hand .
10 Why did she suddenly start screaming and scratching , and swearing that she 'd get me ? ’
11 No , there was no hope of her husband exploding with rage at the thought of leaving her and swearing that he would find a way to remain .
12 In retaliation , English troops inflicted a scorched-earth policy on the Border valleys and towns , burning Hawick , battering Ferniehirst castle and Jedburgh , and boasting that they would leave ‘ never a house nor tower unburnt ’ .
13 And I always think back to the er the time I think Edmund and I were sitting in the back garden here and deciding that we 'd go off and join the paratroopers
14 His only polite response to the chairman 's objections is to uphold the tact maxim ( " minimise the cost to others " ) superficially by claiming that his paper is not a " technical " one ( p. 88 ) and stating that he will 'speak a little slower " .
15 Hawke refused to stand down , however , claiming that he continued to command the support of the country at large and indicating that he would confront Keating in a leadership ballot .
16 She thought of looking at the doctor and indicating that he should interfere and stop it ; but she did not .
17 Are you prepared to carry the pain and suffering that you may cause by exercising your will , if it is a selfish act ?
18 A few people got terribly carried away , leaping up to voice their guilt at John being kidnapped and saying that it should have been them .
19 Her husband , however , became extremely insistent and started following her and insisting that she must sign the papers .
20 Knowing what he would find when he went there , and knowing that it would pain him , Edouard delayed the moment when he would make a formal inspection of the house .
21 Ford set out to see this cynosure and found Her so wrapped and swaddled in lace robes and veiling that he could see no trace of figure or countenance .
22 It 's like trying to turn beef steak rawk into a New Age lentilburger , not by changing the ingredients but simply enveloping it all in a laser-fried wholemeal bun and hoping that nobody will notice the difference .
23 At giving the baby his last feed at ten and putting him down and hoping that he 'd stay asleep till well half past five to six the next morning .
24 Because they 're opening on a Sunday and hoping that you 'll go in
25 He clears his throat , which is suddenly somewhat congested , and reads : ‘ Whatever happens to me , I shall always be thinking of you and hoping that you will have green grass for your cattle . ’
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