Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [adv prt] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And ending up with a thumping great lie .
2 We 'll make a hypothetical traverse from Easter Island on the East Pacific Rise ( an oceanic ridge , remember ) right across South America as far as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge , so we 'll be starting at one plate margin , crossing a second and ending up at a third , each of them , of course , marked by a major belt of seismic activity [ see Fig. 2 ] .
3 This nearly always results in drifting further back without much gain of height and ending up in a worse situation than before .
4 And bouncing along like a rubber ball . ’
5 The King is seen exchanging an earthly crown for a crown of thorns and looking up towards a heavenly crown
6 ‘ Sometimes , ’ said Bernard , ‘ I too feel like going to a hotel somewhere and looking out over a blue Mediterranean sea .
7 None came and still under the drug 's influence at dawn , he found himself looking out from the top of a forty-foot tree — he had no memory of climbing it — and looking down on a vast meadow , flecked with patterns of multi-coloured light and rocks which turned into horses , all of which filled him with ‘ tremendous emotions ’ .
8 When father and son were alone David stood warming his hands at the brazier , and looking down with a clouded face into the red glow .
9 He looked at her , and she saw him come erect , the magical mechanism of the male penis , lifting and filling out to a great rod the colour of a dull sunset .
10 Canada dominated the scoring , leading 22–6 at the interval and by 19 points in as many minutes with outside-half Gareth Rees , back after a winter in France , scoring the first nine and going on to a 20-point afternoon .
11 ‘ Did n't sleep well , ’ he said , mildly apologetic , snatching a bite of bread and cheese , gulping a cup of coffee standing before nodding curtly and dashing out into a freezing morning .
12 Basinger evaded reporters and cameramen as she left the courthouse Wednesday , leaving by a sidedoor and rushing off in a black sedan .
13 His wet , cold body was aching and calling out for a hot meal and warm bed .
14 The redundancies were , the company says , incurred largely by its manufacturing operations , which it is currently scaling down and moving out to a smaller site in Alabama .
15 But still it is very carefully structured with a setting verse , a narrative verse and finishing off with a reflective verse and 10 syllables in each line and Futility has the same feeling of careful planning and construction .
16 Then she turned and walked towards the deep end , turned again and did a perfect back flip , hardly denting the surface and coming up into a smooth breaststroke only a few feet away from me .
17 Suddenly he was in the enemy 's trench and staring down into a young German 's eyes , a terrified boy even younger than himself .
18 Eliot could not it first hear it either and bending down with a friendly expression , asked her to repeat the name .
19 When the time of Hasan 's Occultation came , they would , presumably , be swarming up the drainpipes waving scimitars and carrying on like a thwarted group of reporters from the Sun .
20 Erm we 're very good at lot of plans , practical working , and carrying out in a specific way .
21 The Keraing had told us that in the 1950s a military scouting party from Makassar had angered the village by entering the caves with special equipment and making off with a good deal of valuable porcelain — indicating it had also been used as a burial-chamber by early visiting Chinese mariners .
22 In a while we 'll be taking a look around the show , and finding out about a traditional breed of sheep and a very small breed of cattle .
23 The pink lacy curtain had been slowly turning green and rolling up into a thin worm , studded with tiny thorns , that hung in mid-air .
24 Skinner , who ticked me off yesterday for suggesting his vote had fallen , is off after 14 years , leaving my colleagues on the Sun distraught and casting around for a new NEC contact .
25 It eventually showed fishermen preparing and setting out on a peaceful evening for a night 's work ; while they are at sea , a storm blows up .
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