Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [art] [noun] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A proactive stance is essential in terms of setting and maintaining the mood for change across the various agencies of justice .
2 But getting rid of the TV and keeping the bedroom for sex could be the best cure of all .
3 This particular initiative in community education , although building on a period of active community involvement , set out at an early stage to involve local residents in controlling the educational programme and establishing a structure for participation which , it was hoped , would avoid the sort of elitism which beset the WEA .
4 A great deal of time and energy has gone into dealing with anomalies and revising the formula for funding so that it distributes more fairly on the basis of need .
5 ‘ Well , to be honest , by now I expected you to be shrugging your shoulders and turning the car for home .
6 The story tells us , at a literal level , how Hartleap Well received its name ; the curious prose preface emphasizes this and also conveys the idea of commemorating and preserving a tradition for posterity .
7 ‘ although in the Act of 1990 Parliament introduced a new statutory machinery for supervising and regulating the rules for education and conduct for those who are to have rights of audience in the courts it decided not to interfere expressly with the jurisdiction of the Inns , under the supervision of the judges , to decide who were fit and proper persons to be admitted to the Inns for training or their liberty to decide the criteria which should dictate their admissions policy .
8 And extra investment in industry will be directed to still further improving that productivity and minimising the need for manpower .
9 The tongued and grooved joints , in addition to allowing concealed fixing with neat joint lines and removing the need for grouting , negate the need for special skills thus reducing installation costs .
10 Our perception of spermatozoa was changed forever by Woody Allen 's impersonation of one in Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex , and University of Pennsylvania are giving substance to his fantasies , putting the poor little tadpoles through an arduous obstacle course to step up the process of survival of the fittest : according to Prodigy Services Co , the mad scientists have created a new class of silicon chip that can be used for analyzing sperm samples and providing a venue for fertilisation ; the technology uses microscopic obstacle courses inside a silicon wafer to weed out unhealthy sperm , and has been used successfully to fertilise a mouse egg ; the chips are etched with a virtual theme park of twisting channels , forests of columns , and other features designed to ensure only the strongest of sperm reach their goal , with some passages so small that only a single cell can pass ; the researchers have not yet applied for approval to test human fertilisation using the chip , but say that could happen within the next 12 months — Brave New World , or the embodiment of virtual sex .
11 There was also a growing market for books as literacy increased , though there was not yet universal schooling : the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge , the Mechanics Institutes and the so-called March of Mind were features of the time leading up to the Reform Bill of 1832 , and indicating a market for non-fiction .
12 Poverty always spells weakness , vulnerability , humiliation , and having no prospects for improvement .
13 The defendant 's solicitor endorses on the copy summons a certificate duly accepting service and giving an address for service .
14 We used discriminate analysis for the remaining results , with the primary diagnosis group as the dependent variable and entering the scores for antibody markers stepwise .
15 The allocation of discrete tasks to non-executives advocated by Cadbury , coupled with their monitoring role , is seen as divisive , robbing the board of its power to manage and creating the potential for boardroom splits .
16 Home seemed drab , centred as it was around domestic duties and financial worries , and affording no opportunities for entertainment or emotional release .
17 Aelian King , when District Judge at Badulla , wrote that it was common ‘ for the people , at the season for ploughing and preparing the soil for sowing , to help themselves without their neighbour 's leave to the labour of their neighbour 's buffaloes , which they find roaming at large . ’
18 In announcing yesterday that its Automated Pit Trading system will start on 30 November , the London International Financial Futures Exchange inserted the final element in a cautious but promising strategy for intergrating electronic trading and open outcry , and setting the pace for exchange reform in London .
19 There are , of course , many other companies up and down the country which are similarly investing and growing , and laying the foundation for prosperity in the 1990s .
20 The first of these objections to the Baker — Hacker interpretation can be answered by saying that although the practice which constitutes knowing and following the rule for pain could be operated away from any community ( on a desert island ) if it could be set up , the problem is not in the operation but in the institution of the practice .
21 This consistency in subdivision is important in improving the predictability of the classification and minimizing the opportunities for cross-classification ( see below ) .
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