Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [adv] and [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And I 've thought about buying a , a me erm a metal detector and going up and going over the where the kirkyard was because when there were was here that was in about sixteen oh it might have been about sixteen sixty or sixteen eighty .
2 We watched him creating that knitting , talking about colour and going round and looking at the things which had inspired his imagination in his designing .
3 I think of people , grand old British artists , like Turner for example , going on grand tours and coming back to Britain and going through , as it were , a period of painting where he is influenced by what he 's seen and heard and experienced in Europe , and then more latterly I think of France as being , Paris as being the centre of art and British artists going and spending their period in Paris and coming back and going through an impressionist or an expressionist phase .
4 ‘ You might be dying with tonsillitis and every f—er is taking the piss out of yer and running around and shouting in the room . ’
5 dumping himself and running around and banging into doors and things , stupid mutt , so er , erm give him his Bonio , he gets , he now barks at me when I sit down , till I get up and give him his Bon Bonio mum
6 If you have become fairly proficient at the nose-in hover , you may find that this figure is easier to perform by standing with your back to the wind and taking off and landing in the nose-in position .
7 Headaches are often one sided beginning in the occiput and extending forward and settling over the left eye
8 Headaches are often one sided beginning in the occiput and extending forward and settling over the left eye ( right is Sanguinaria , Silica etc . ) .
9 I looked out of the window and it was the back garden of Dr Jane 's house , and when Mrs Pitt came up to serve me and I complained Dr Jane laughed , and it was really Dr Jane all the time and the whole place was horrible and dark and dirty and when I got outside to follow my friends the ones who were usually in the dream there were n't any people and we were in a sort of studio and the village and the inn it was so obvious now I felt a fool for going in and sitting down and expecting to be served was the crudest sort of cardboard stage set like a model for a child 's history lesson and the colours were horrible and it smelt of a sort of horrible glue and — —
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