Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [adj] [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Tibetan intuitively spun on his heel , raising his arm as if to throw a stone and bellowing great roars of abuse .
2 When she got back to the kitchen , Finn was reading an old newspaper , seated on the table and eating dry chunks of bread gouged from a loaf in the crumb of which his fingers had left grey prints .
3 Apart from taking the Japanese surrender and recovering Allied prisoners of war , General Gracey 's third task was to maintain law and order ; and in this he was to recognize the sole authority of the French .
4 Yet his real concern is that Labour has failed to grasp how the financial and managerial freedom of GM status , bypassing the LEA and channelling extra funds to schools , has improved opportunities for ordinary pupils .
5 It was very undemanding , revolving round the borrowing of clothes , and helping each other with routines .
6 Taking the current level of borrowings and forecasting future receipts of cash in and payments of cash out by salaries , bought ledger payments , tax payments and so on .
7 Simon Long adds from Beijing : China seems to be retreating into a diplomatic posture reminiscent of the Cultural Revolution , at odds with both Washington and Moscow , and firing frequent broadsides against all-comers for alleged interference in its internal affairs .
8 Simon Long adds from Beijing : China seems to be retreating into a diplomatic posture reminiscent of the Cultural Revolution , at odds with both Washington and Moscow , and firing frequent broadsides against all-comers for alleged interference in its internal affairs .
9 To celebrate The Artist 's ‘ Art in Nature ’ exhibition we have organised four , one-day workshops for our readers on painting and drawing various aspects of nature .
10 ‘ Capitalism , the money-lenders and the greedy elite have been allowed to subvert the democratic process , ’ he railed at a crowd on Wall Street , asking for a cleansing of the temple and drawing swift accusations of anti-semitism .
12 The appellants , who each made repeated sales at the shop , pleaded not guilty to indictments charging burglary and handling stolen goods as alternatives .
13 He appreciates , too , that he must , in this instance , tread a diplomatic line between doing his job properly and maintaining good relations with club managers whose assistance he will need when fully competitive matches arise .
14 The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of polymeric enteral nutrition , as compared with steroid treatment , in achieving and maintaining clinical remission in patients with active Crohn 's disease .
15 Providing explanations ; promoting a fair hearing of the case by means of : seeking clarification , elucidating evidence and preventing inadmissible evidence , checking excessive domination by any one participant , diffusing emotion , counterbalancing bias , and maintaining high standards of courtesy ; complying with the duty [ mentioned in section 95 of the Criminal Justice Act 1991 ] to avoid discriminating against any persons on the ground of race or sex or any other improper ground .
16 Among the initiatives which we have undertaken this year , is the establishment of a working party under the Chairmanship of Lord Nathan , to make recommendations on developing and maintaining high standards of effectiveness and efficiency within the sector .
17 ‘ Since 1989 , the industry has made great strides in getting costs down and output up , and maintaining high standards of safety and environmental protection , ’ he said .
18 We are proud of our record of extending choice , encouraging new producers and maintaining high standards in broadcasting .
19 The feudal state achieved this by , amongst other things , stopping popular elections , protecting agricultural rents by excluding cheaper competition from overseas and maintaining punitive laws against theft of property .
20 The military involvement of England in continental war meant an unusually high concern for achieving and maintaining some measure of control of the sea .
21 A UN-chartered ship succeeded in docking in Mogadishu port on May 3 and unloading 5,000 tonnes of wheat — the first significant emergency food relief for almost six months .
22 Moreover , subsistence plots produce goods at competitive prices by the working of long hours , using unpaid household labour and accepting low standards of subsistence .
23 Their expenditure had increased more sharply than that of other authorities but this was partly due to the government 's own policy of spending more on law and order and accepting above-average increases in police pay .
24 Pretending to be worried about the painters and the incriminating evidence against them — ‘ It 's very , very important for them ! ’ — Porfiry asks Raskolnikov if he has any recollection of passing an open door on the lower landing and seeing two men at work inside .
25 Additions can be made during the lesson by using permanent ink for the diagrams and using water-soluble pens for labels , which can be washed off later .
26 At the hearing he also raised claims about her being absent from work and using foul language to residents .
27 reading literature for enjoyment , responding to it critically and using that reading for learning .
28 Information skills in relation to computerized information retrieval are developed within the following framework information awareness and the information cycle of selecting , processing and communicating information computer awareness : the difference between databases and datafiles information needs awareness : the articulation of purpose information source awareness : identifying , selecting and using relevant sources of information which encompasses the multi-level cognitive skills of analysis , negotiation , interpretation and synthesis .
29 He thought that architects should design for the new life style which was to arise , and design " for service " , making economical and logical use of space and using mechanical devices in order to provide comfort and to make housework pleasant by lightening the time and effort spent doing it ( 1934 p 32 ) .
30 You 've talked about fairly large distances , distances that you could n't possibly measure with tape measures and using normal methods of measurement , how on earth do you know these distances are the kind you describe ?
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