Example sentences of "and [vb past] [pers pn] [prep] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Gaveston opened a door in the far wall and led them down some steps , dimly lit by torches fixed in iron brackets .
2 A man with a great bunch of keys joined us and led us down some steps to a doorway marked ‘ Luftschutzraum ’ .
3 He pulled the sheets aside and led us down some steps .
4 I went to visit him at the Benedictine monastery at Nashdom and asked him for any insights which he could give me from his experience in Accra .
5 The woman was shocked when QC William Crawford put his hands on her waist and pecked her on both cheeks .
6 It achieved temperatures over a million degrees and sustained them for several milliseconds .
7 He suddenly thought of the hat she had lost , searched for it , and found it among some leaves on the ground .
8 Paraded in my immaculate " dhobied " drill I presented myself to my commanding officer who glared at me , and dismissed me with these words : " I am astonished that you have the gall , Mahaddie , to apply for a pilot 's course … if anyone is foolish enough to ever recommend you , you would only kill yourself , and probably others , Good day ! "
9 He could mend any broken toy , and make things too — I remember he made a great big rocking-horse for Hilary , and painted it in all sorts of marvellous colours .
10 She was silent and acquiescent , however , so he climbed in and drove her round several blocks , just for the joy of it , taking the sharp corners so fast that her tyres shrieked in protest .
11 He groped his way through the shadows at the foot of the stairs , located the large brass handle and turned it with both hands .
12 He read her expression — enquiring — and touched her on both shoulders .
13 And Jimmy had grabbed up a nearby typist 's chair from behind the screen and raised it with both hands like some huge club , ready to smash it across Duvall 's face .
14 He put his arms on Myeloski 's shoulders , leant forward and kissed him on both cheeks .
15 ‘ Vitor 's happy to take you , ’ she declared serenely , and kissed her on both cheeks .
16 She said , ‘ Lulu , how lovely to see you ! ’ and kissed me on both cheeks . ’
17 Some crafty young entrepreneurs steamed in and relieved her of several pairs of Pumas at a knockdown price .
18 Then suddenly a doctor walked in all dressed up in his green gown and a face mask and said , " Hello , this is it then , " and a nurse took my ankles and shoved them into some stirrups and covered me up in all this green cloth .
19 Richard sat on a bed and watched her for several dances before claiming her again .
20 Then he suddenly went up on his toes and both hands flashed out and clipped me on both cheeks .
21 ‘ Tough shit , ’ Rory said , and tickled her with both hands this time , producing a yelp .
22 Another point relates to the fact that , in the first case , the jury acquitted the defendants of one charge and convicted them of Both charges arose out of the same facts .
23 Cadfael stooped and took it in both hands , and lifted it , and it parted from its setting without trailing a blade of grass or a torn edge of moss .
24 He reached for the case and took it in both hands .
25 A fortnight later Edward sealed the text and issued it to all sheriffs .
26 The route from Bordeaux to Bergerac had been straight and fast , and presented her with few problems .
27 ‘ When I struck the bream tore off downstream and dragged me into some weeds but I eventually got it to the bankside , ’ said Matthew .
28 But one lad messed about and pushed it through those holes .
29 I 've spotted it in lots of people and suspected it in most others .
30 It would be interesting to know , however , whether the intensity of the debate at the time served to sear the official mind and closed it for many years afterwards to consideration of an alternative policy for sterling which substantially reduced its international role .
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