Example sentences of "and [vb past] [conj] there [vb mod] [be] " in BNC.

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1 In a White Paper issued shortly after it came to office , the new Conservative administration reviewed the development of the PES system to date and argued that there should be regular in-depth reviews of spending programmes , on both a departmental and an interdepartmental basis .
2 AT&T said it expected the change on future earnings to be negligible and added that there would be no effect on cash flow .
3 Ron George , the leader of the Native Council of Canada , accused those who rejected the agreement as having " perpetuated apartheid in this country " and predicted that there would be increased violence among the indigenous peoples , who currently constituted around 5 per cent of Canada 's total population .
4 On April 23 , in a bid to defuse the conflict , Kohl proposed a 5 per cent pay cut for all ministers and top civil servants and pledged that there would be no further tax increases during the current legislative period ( i.e. until the autumn of 1994 ) .
5 Women 's organisations pointed out that it was impractical ( who was to say who ‘ caused ’ a separation ? ) and urged that there should be independent insurance for married women .
6 He was , however , unhappy with remedies prepared from bacteria and felt that there must be plant alternatives to these which would be purer and more generally acceptable .
7 He had been told a little of his history , and knew that there would be more explanations at the end of this journey .
8 Does the Prime Minister recall when , as Minister for Social Security , he cut mortgage support in half and said that there would be no reason to suppose that repossessions would increase ?
9 The amnesty welcomed students to return to China " no matter what their political attitude was in the past " , and said that there would be no investigation into " wrong things " they had said or committed abroad .
10 Dr Bach himself believed that his flower remedies helped to bring the physical , emotional and mental planes of the individual more into harmony with the spiritual plane and said that there could be ‘ no true healing unless there is a change in outlook , peace of mind and inner happiness ’ .
11 She had a round face , round eyes which she rolled and raised to the ceiling while she spake ( spoke was too mundane a term for her pronouncements ) and she invariably began these pronouncements with ‘ Whooo — ’ to which Jane mentally added ‘ To-whit-too-whoo ’ , and concluded that there must be an owl species called Shurll .
12 McCaffery et al showed a blunted serum growth hormone response to insulin induced hypoglycaemia in 11 of 13 children with Crohn 's disease and growth retardation and suggested that there might be a secondary pituitary abnormality .
13 She added that the translation of a directive into national law gives rise to difficulties and suggested that there should be an open period for the EC and national governments to argue out any differences that arise .
14 At the National Union rally at Leeds the week after Law 's election , a local delegate called John Gordon remarked that Law was " a man of enormous business capacity ( Hear , hear ) " , and suggested that there should be more such men in parliament .
15 Eventually he was referred to a consultant who took a careful case-history and wondered if there might be some connection between the heavy doses of antibiotics he had received as a young man and the continuing diarrhoea .
16 It was denied again in Sir John Eliot 's Case ( 1629 ) 3 St Tr 294 , a decision which , however , the Houses never accepted and which , after objections in 1641 and 1667 , they eventually rejected in 1668 when the House of Lords reversed the decision of 1629 and held that there could be no proceedings in respect of words said in Parliament .
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