Example sentences of "and [vb past] [pron] be [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I reported the drop to Warton and asked what was happening with the rescue efforts .
2 I called and asked what was happening to my appeal .
3 I looked across at Mum and found she was looking at Mrs Danby with an expression I did not recognize .
4 ‘ Laura 's just an old friend , ’ he said , knowing it was hopeless , that he had blown it or rather that Laura had blown it for him , and found he was speaking to the back of her neck .
5 Endill opened his eyes slowly and found he was standing in a little room made entirely of books .
6 Then , came Peter 's most frightening moment : ‘ We were sent out in a Land Rover and told we were driving through enemy territory . ’
7 I was lucky , because instead of being on house assessment I was called and told I was going to be on the works party next day , only my second day at Styal .
8 ‘ He flew back today and heard I was working for you , so he — ’
9 When Jessica poked her in the ribs and swore they were coming for them , she hardly raised her head .
10 Again she heard herself say , ‘ that' , and then she managed to stammer , ‘ w … was my sister , ’ before the floating feeling overcame her and she-knew she was falling into somewhere .
11 I could make neither head nor tail of it and decided I was dealing with a bunch of idiots .
12 But then she saw his eyes staring emptily ahead of him , and knew he was walking in his sleep .
13 She was still there some time later , gazing sightlessly through the glass over the snow-covered fields beyond , when she felt a strange tingle in the back of her neck , and knew he was standing behind her .
14 Constance heard Louise on the telephone and knew she was talking to Nora .
15 Michael 's younger sister found him a fidget in church and thought it was fidgeting to excess .
16 I said I reckoned she got her oar in first and thought I 'm gon na
17 ‘ The policeman saw the car coming straight towards him , and thought he was going to be hit , and had to pull in to the side of the road .
18 and thought he was gon na wi , how much you got there ?
19 The testers presented themselves at factory gates , the minority one first and the other about half an hour later , and said they were looking for work .
20 She wrote to Carrie and Nick and said she was living in a boarding house in a street near the docks , in a dark little room that smelt of kippers .
21 She concentrated on the one with the trousers and said she was looking for George .
22 She made her get into bed and said she was sending for the blue ladies right away .
23 She pushed her mug away from her and said she was going to bed .
24 Finally he took me in to his office and said he was looking for Girls to work at the Winter Gardens , Blackpool .
25 The police , having interviewed working colleagues of the victim at the London Docks , had elicited information to the effect that at the end of his shift he met two men outside the gates and said he was going for a drink with them .
26 Military sources named the pilot as Major Adel Bassem , 34 , and said he was co-operating with his Israeli debriefers .
27 I wondered what he wanted , so I did it ; and in the interval of the rehearsal he came and said he was suffering from nervous shock because the moment I started he realized I was doing exactly the contrary of all the things he had taught the orchestra .
28 The best debate in Britain this year took place at the Conservative Party conference when speaker after speaker analysed and criticised what was happening to the economy .
29 But all the same he wished that McAllister were not going up West with Rose that night , and wondered what was coming over him that such a fly-trap could fill his waking — and his sleeping — thoughts !
30 He took off his helmet , his sweating brow cold in the air , and wondered who was lying outside the pavilion , wrapped in wool cloaking .
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