Example sentences of "and [adv] give [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Only in one respect is a consideration of their characteristics illuminating , in emphasizing the fact that the state is not the only means by which the cohesion of a society is assured , and so giving some support to those liberal pluralist theories which treat the state as one association among others , and not always the most important .
2 It was white , and so gave optimum visibility on the screen .
3 Perhaps the terms of reference were slightly vague , but the NZRFU probably considered that their lads deserved a break , and so gave general permission for the expedition to Italy .
4 In fact , Hunter saw Chaplin as ‘ the Dickens of the films ’ and so gave another reminder of how the whole world of silent movies was moulded in the idiom of the great Victorian writer .
5 Pompeii lay in verdant , wine-growing country and so gave special prominence to Venus , goddess of fecundity , Hercules and Bacchus .
6 The quality can be high , but terracottas are on the whole cheap products for the local market , and so give valuable indication of the styles prevalent in particular places .
7 The next day I went to see the military commander to ask for permission to stay on to look after stray people and perhaps give pastoral care to the officials and troops left in the city .
8 They have , however , a mammoth task and only give detailed attention to a limited number of the statutory instruments that are put before Parliament .
9 For indeed the demand and supply schedules do not in practice remain unchanged for a long time together , but are constantly being changed ; and every change in them alters the equilibrium amount and the equilibrium price , and thus gives new positions to the centres about which the amount and the price tend to oscillate . [ … ]
10 Having coursework available electronically helps the marker to do a better job , and thus give better feedback to the students .
11 When auditioning for most schools you will be asked to present at least two contrasting speeches and possibly give some idea of your attitude to improvisation and , perhaps , to singing .
12 Stylish , well made clothes that are practical , and always give great value for money .
13 When the stem cell divides one of the two daughter cells may go on to give rise to other types of cell , whereas the other daughter cell remains a stem cell , capable of dividing again and always giving one daughter to diversification .
14 He laid the foundation stone of the new greenhouse and later gave 150 guineas for its repair .
15 Personnel Manager , Paul Hartley , hopes to be able to write to all the remaining applicants within the next two weeks , and also to give further details to those who need them .
16 Now , I 'm no ‘ Greenie ’ but Recycling is something I feel quite strongly about , and here I hope to give some pros and cons about Recycling , and also give some information about the actual processes .
17 These marriages of lower Patel girls to higher Patel boys became vast affairs , with the girl 's family being forced to spend enormous sums on sweets and also give large amounts of gold to the boy 's family .
18 I practise in the London Borough of Newham and also give medical advice to the family health services authority through the department of general practice and primary care of the Joint Medical Colleges of St Bartholomew 's and the London Hospitals .
19 Many vote for the same party every time they vote , and probably give little attention to the personalities or policies of specific candidates .
20 talking to children openly and truthfully giving small amounts of information at a time will make the task easier
21 ‘ That is why I ask you here and now to give serious thought to ending your innocent liaison with Prince Edward .
22 The short answer , as far as employers are concerned , is that women were cheap , and increasingly gave good value for money .
23 Tverskoy et al reported that patients treated by infiltration of a local anaesthetic and then given general anaesthetic for herniorrhaphy experienced less pain , and for shorter duration , than patients who received general anaesthetic alone .
24 Thus , a quantum theory of gravity is essential if we are to describe the early universe and then give some explanation for the initial conditions beyond merely appealing to the anthropic principle .
25 I am particularly encouraged by the references to better facilities for pedestrians and cyclists , and to see that routes for them have been incorporated into all the major development sites where appropriate — and indeed given some prominence in the site maps .
26 We are both exalted and fallen at the same time : sinful and yet given unique status in the universe of things .
27 The basis for the easy triumphs which had over and again given new nourishment to the ‘ Hitler myth ’ was gone , even if trust in the Führer was still generally strong .
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