Example sentences of "and [det] [be] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And that is also reflected in the fee collected by Rovers other big summer buy , Stuart Ripley , a 1.3 million arrival from Middlesbrough .
2 So that means the consumer is voting with their feet and saying this is good , it 's a good service , and that is also attached to the motorway services stations , so there is indication that improvements are rapidly coming erm into being , which is good news , good news .
3 Health care will then be denied its proper role and that is clearly seen in the discharge of elderly people into the community and a point he knows well because he 's heard it from me before , without the necessary disabled facilities being in place for those elderly people and it is his department that decided to put the disabled facilities grant in the basic credit allowance to compete against over local authority priorities in that section .
4 Despite there being a demonstration of COSE desktops at the announcement last week — which included drag and drop between Motif and Open Look applications — what the resulting products will actually be remains unclear until the specification is released , and that is now expected to be sooner than the end-of-June timeframe that was given .
5 If there will continue to be migration from from Leeds and that is obviously incorporated in the population projections produced by the County Council .
6 They do have a medical examination as part of the process of coming here and in the course of that medical examination it is sometimes disclosed that a woman is or is not a virgin , and that is sometimes noted on the medical report and from time to time some ECO 's have used that piece of evidence in making a decision about the relationship of the wife ; I have always condemned it and by and large it does not happen .
7 with a s as we were picking up from last week , a c a c in , in a sense that land reform is , is already taking place , there is this sort of groundswell from the masses that to move beyond the , the moderate policy and that is then formalized in the May the fourth directive which marks like the return to land reform going back to and then y y y y you 've got the implementation of that May the fourth directive and then out of a very difficult position in nineteen forty seven when they , they are under attack from the Kuomintang and i in the spring of nineteen forty seven is actually taken by Kuomintang .
8 The advancing good management project again , has prioritised certain kinds of disadvantage organisations , to ensure that they 're getting funded , and that 's also reflected in the representation on the Committee .
9 But by by the same token , as as I 've already set out in in my submission , we we believe there is an urgent need and a justifiable demand in Selby District and that 's partly related to the need to have a distribution of available employment opportunities throughout the district .
10 And that 's really to look at , the sort of the , the dry skin issues and so on ?
11 But I was , and that 's always going to be the brute difference between us , is n't it ?
12 The Coronation took place on 2nd , June 1953 , and that was closely followed by the news that Mount Everest — which had defied all previous endeavours to reach the summit — had been conquered by a Commonwealth team of climbers .
13 And that was intimately connected with the other problem .
14 And that was invariably reserved for sort of erm weddings , births , and funerals , and perhaps on a at Christmas you 'd go in there .
15 It had played no small part in tranquillizing things at home and inspiring ‘ national will to victory ’ , and that was earnestly acknowledged by the Prime Minister . ’
16 It was settled by charge card , and that was always debited from his bank in Jordan .
17 ‘ The alternative was putting in a bleep , and that was never going to work .
18 At a subse subsequent st stage again , as has happened in the in the past , inflation was added , and that was fully to reprice from November ninety-two to November ninety-three prices .
19 sort of track are contacting the people who done a very good job on the on the public footpath erm and that was actually going through our land , and they done some steps with erm you know erm wooden erm supports in them , er maybe in in conjunction with , was it ?
20 Well t I mean to the extent that that is happening , that there is a development of trade on the sort of , you know , with the periphery of the empire and with erm areas outside the empire , and that was certainly happening in this period , I do n't see why it should have a significant impact on the peasant population because there is n't really any evidence that it 's , in a sense , trickling down and enriching the peasantry .
21 When the County School had moved to the Oxford side of the town in 1930 , generous provision of land had been made and that was prudently added to over the years .
22 No new equity was issued in 1992 to fund operations , and neither is any assumed in our forward plans .
23 Thus neither side is any further forward , and each is adventitiously yoked to the vicissitudes of a complex metaphysical issue .
24 The fibrils become small , many mitochondria and most of the myofilaments disappear and little is eventually left beyond tracheoles , lysosomes and some granular sarcoplasm ( e.g. Atkins and Farris , 1962 ; Bhakthan , Borden and Nair , 1970 ) .
25 Most work on fossil dolphins has been done in the Northern Hemisphere , and little is yet known about the South .
26 Spiers was trained in the Gothic school , but Bolton , who knew him well , insists that he never referred to any buildings of his own and little is apparently known about his work as an architect .
27 Most publications are on the lookout for ways of increasing their circulation and some are also looking for extra revenue .
28 Several commercial pantographs are available , mostly for the BBC Micro , and some are even offered in kit form for the adventurous to build for themselves .
29 Each creature has evolved to operate most efficiently during a particular part of the sun 's cycle , and some are now locked into their chosen time slot .
30 The DHSS had known the landlords were overcrowding their hostels , sometimes cramming four or six men in a room , and some were even lodged in an asbestos shed .
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