Example sentences of "and [vb pp] a [noun] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 That evening you visited your GP who told you to take it easy and prescribed a course of tranquillizers .
2 A doctor was called out and he diagnosed some kind of virus and prescribed a course of antibiotics .
3 He got up suddenly and placed a pile of clothes on the end of the bed .
4 To this end a group of sixty-nine 7-9 year old children were randomly sampled from the normal school population and given a battery of tests examining their reading ability , visual processing , phonological processing and short-term memory .
5 To achieve this , the Museum has built and flown a fleet of replicas .
6 A 17-year-old paper-stainer , James Irons , was brought before the magistrate — described by the police as a ring-leader and by his mother as ‘ a good boy ’ — where it was said that he had ‘ used disgusting language , and discharged a number of stones larger than walnuts from a powerful catapult ’ .
7 On the twenty fourth July nineteen ninety one the new resources and policy grant sub-committee met for the first time and considered a number of applications including one from your organisation .
8 The defendant agreed , and prepared a list of goods to the value of £7,950 which he submitted to the manager , Mr. Gilberd , saying that it represented a genuine order by one Johal and asking him to authorise the supply of the goods in return for a building society cheque in that sum .
9 Gillian Darley has written and presented a series of books and television programmes .
10 He had gone on to a party at a rich woman 's house , he explained , and seen a display of drinks such as he had never seen on earth before .
11 ‘ Ronnie Moran and Roy Evans have been through a lot and seen a lot of players come and go .
12 The following day they trotted off to Laura Ashley 's trendy King 's Road branch and selected a number of outfits and T-shirts for infants aged up to six months .
13 Frowning , she went over to the cabinet and selected a batch of disks .
14 He went to the shelves lining one wall and selected a handful of cassettes , then picked up a transistor radio .
15 Whether this resulted in a concession is not clear , for the authorities appear to have hired and armed a body of men and posted them in the Exchange to arrest the strikers .
16 My wife and I once went into a pharmacie in Montauban and requested a packet of bandages .
17 In the early morning of Nov. 8 an explosion on the campus of the AUB destroyed the main administration building and damaged a number of others .
18 We went into the warehouse , which was enormous , and encountered a sea of bicycles — more bicycles than I had ever imagined-could possibly exist .
19 I 'd gone into Woolworth 's in Reading and stolen a couple of things from there , and I was hanging around the car park .
20 He indicated that multiparty elections would be held in six months at the earliest , and appointed a commission of experts to draft a constitution , as well as an election law and an election timetable .
21 She who could have managed twelve great sons , and trained a staff of servants with one hand , had only Wilson .
22 Brooke and Remmers ( 1970 ) made a survey of 115 foreign subsidiaries operating in the UK , and identified a variety of reasons why overseas companies decided to create foreign subsidiaries .
23 Detective Constable David Hemes told the inquest that Mr Ryder had left his home and gone to his chemist 's shop in Old Town Lane , Formby , and taken a bottle of barbiturates .
24 What Harry Lime missed out on , though , was the fact that if he 'd gone Club 18–30 instead of Austrian Airlines , and taken a couple of friends in tow who were paying the full price , he could have copped for a massive sixty sovs off his bill , got a suntan into the bargain , and avoided coming to a very nasty end in the sewers .
25 Wilkinson has battled hard and taken a lot of knocks this season .
26 Then he 'd been walking back to The Randolph when he suddenly felt he just could n't face his excessively sympathetic countrymen , and he 'd called in a pub and drunk a couple of pints of lager .
27 In the second half , Thame came more in to the game and created a couple of chances , however in the sixty fifth minute , Sean Liden won the ball on the halfway line , his long ball found Gary Weaving who turned and placed a low shot past Mayhew to make it one nil .
28 The Council fathers decisively rejected Protestant doctrines on central issues such as justification , the presence of Christ in the Eucharist and sacramental efficacy , and promulgated a series of decrees on purgatory , the veneration of relics , images and saints , and indulgences — almost , it seems , as an act of defiance to the reformers who had denied them .
29 He is an internationally recognised expert in the economic and traffic impact of large developments , having presented and published a number of papers around the world .
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