Example sentences of "and [adv] [conj] [pron] [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 His lips clamped together and he raised one corner of his thin mouth in a spiteful leer , his large bald head nodding deliberately to and fro while he waited for the younger man 's response .
2 And so while he sat in a German public library and the story of the murder in the park unfolded before him in the newspapers , a novel began to stir .
3 And so when we came to the negotiation process so to say , it was a stalemate .
4 And so when he talked to Polly now , and when she talked to him the way she did , it depressed him .
5 and so when I heard about taking on girls again , on the railway
6 Well I I was eleven but by the time but I had a birthday , you see , er in the summer and er er well August actually and so when I started at Stowmarket I was twelve , you see , and er and er I was at Stowmarket School and scholarship for four years and er well I do n't know whether I really liked school , did you ?
7 But it was n't large enough to button and showed her blouse and skirt , and so when she appeared in the yard again Ben , standing ready by the cart , grinned at her , saying , ‘ That 's nice !
8 And you know they ca n't go , this one ca n't go earlier than that one because we 've got the sequence and so if we got through these steps , I think that those steps are the same steps that we go through on any project .
9 You 'll be doing him a favour , she 'd thought , and so as he wandered past the kitchen on a mid-afternoon stroll she crept up behind him and grabbed him by the neck .
10 Timely interventions by senior Army officers had already established the ‘ official view ’ that the paratroops had fired only at clearly identifiable targets , and only when they came under heavy fire from gunmen , and nail and petrol bombers ( Curtis , 1984:41–2 ) .
11 At first he was surprised at this and only when they referred to him as an ‘ adult ’ did he realize that some time in the previous weeks the last of his juvenile plumage had moulted and his wings now had the rich and glossy glow of an adult golden eagle .
12 ‘ In all these circumstances I think that it is a proper inference that , in the case of each journey in question , the plaintiffs paid the money unwillingly and only because they apprehended on reasonable grounds that without the permit which could not otherwise be obtained officers acting under the authority of the State of New South Wales would or might stop the motor vehicle and refuse to allow it to proceed upon the journey .
13 By this time there was very little he did not know about being a prince ; and long before he came to it he would know more than most men born to it about being a king .
14 An announcement informed the vacant platform and Rachaela that this train was the London via somewhere , calling at something and elsewhere and who cared at all ?
15 ‘ I went home and just after I got in my mother phoned ; she must have known from my voice that something was wrong .
16 Crossley had to move quickly to save a glancing header from Sharp and just when it looked as if Forest might be more grateful for a replay Chapman won the tie .
17 He said I ca n't I 'm here on my own , he said get a cab and I 'll give you the money back , so anyway I rung Pauline 's husband up Steve and he said I 'll take you , I said to Steve I 've got ta get there for one o'clock cos I said I really do feel that if I do n't see him before he goes I ai n't gon na bloody see him , he was ever so good , he were here at twenty to one , got straight in the car put his foot down , went to the General and just as I got in the door Steve do n't worry about me parking , go , I 'll find you , just get in there , I ran through the bloody doors , ran up the stairs cos I knew
18 It is 2 ½ years since he lost in a world title match to Michael Spinks and just as he did after a similar fight , with Larry Holmes , he brooded for a long time , finally overcame problems with drugs , and went into business , part of which was as a fight promoter .
19 It is 2 ½ years since he lost in a world title match to Michael Spinks and just as he did after a similar fight , with Larry Holmes , he brooded for a long time , finally overcame problems with drugs , and went into business , part of which was as a fight promoter .
20 She gave him a rather languid finger wave and just as she disappeared under the wing float , he then realised she was only wearing a black sporran .
21 Early tennis players were already up and away but we dawdled on enjoying yoghurt and fruit , scrambled eggs , bacon and excellent Greek bread as we watched , across the turquoise Aegean below us , the sun changing the colours of the mountains behind Corinth .
22 Nine days later came the massacre , and soon after they came to Bei Da , beating and killing .
23 His practical education was evidently gained working in his father 's business and soon after he came of age he was taken into partnership , the firm then moving to the larger settlement of Corbridge .
24 This chapter will therefore examine also whether the action project had any effect upon cognitive impairment ( Did it help to delay deterioration , or even improve , mental state ? ) ; whether dementia sufferers in the action project expressed less worry , sadness , loneliness than those in the control samples ; whether the project helped people to maintain their capacity to cope with certain tasks or activities of daily living ; and finally whether it succeeded in obtaining more of other community services for its clients than were obtained by those in the control sample ( eg more home help , meals-on-wheels , day care , home nursing , and so on ) .
25 ‘ Therefore the problem that had emerged in 1985 has come as a considerable shock to us and I would say that the present directors of Mogul Ireland — ourselves — have acted promptly , decisively and responsibly since it came to our attention .
26 Rosie had bitten him twice in the past ; once when she managed to free herself by chewing through her tethering-rope , and once when she leaped through the window of Buddie 's jeep and chased him into the pig-yard .
27 It was filled with rows and rows of towering bookcases that seemed to sway back and forth as they disappeared into the darkness at the top of the room .
28 Small 's nephew stood behind the firing squad and trained a searchlight back and forth as we hared across the fields .
29 The world of the Zoo seemed to move without any noise at all and around the Cages all was still but for the visitor Creggan had attacked , who swayed back and forth where he sat on the ground , others gathered around him .
30 and hopefully But I said to him about Duttons Road and I said to him what I 'll do is , I 've got ta go to town tomorrow I 'll er get some tapes and start taping
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