Example sentences of "and [adv] [adj] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is also dated , self-indulgent , idiosyncratic and devilishly difficult to marry to the central theme which revolves round Marlene 's work , her rapport with her sister and her sub-GCE niece , Angie .
2 One of the earliest and most vivid comes from the Bible :
3 Education has less to do with ‘ resources ’ and rather more to do with the attitudes of those who are providing it and their accountability .
4 On the far side of the camp , she saw Jacques Devraux stripping to the waist in order to resume work at the skinning platform , and suddenly unable to remain in the hut any longer , she strolled out across the clearing again .
5 And so Labour went into the election on a fudged policy designed more to placate Roy Hattersley than to win over voters .
6 Skógafoss is a sixty-seven metre monster , so wide and so tall , and so much falling in a single sweep that clouds of spray are produced .
7 For reasons principally of economy , most county councils have preferred to concentrate development on a few villages which can then conveniently be provided with the full range of public amenities — schools , shops , libraries , sewerage facilities and so on-This saves on the enormous cost of duplicating amenities in every village and helps to direct and contain population growth to a few well-chosen sites .
8 A diagram of the art world , according to Wolfe , would be made up , in addition to the artists , of ‘ about 750 culturati in Rome , 500 in Milan , 1,750 in Paris , 1,250 in London , 2,000 in Berlin , Munich , and Düsseldorf , 3,000 in New York , and perhaps 1,000 scattered about the rest of the world .
9 Youth itself was hardly a disadvantage , in an age when people were ruling kingdoms and leading armies in their teens ; the Stewart kings themselves , all but one beginning his personal rule in his teens , two dead at thirty , and only one surviving beyond the age of forty , could hardly have waited for age and experience to bless their undertakings and achievements .
10 Doncaster has been similarly decimated and only seven go to the post in three races worth a total of £11,246 .
11 Doncaster has been similarly decimated and only seven go to the post in three races worth a total of £11,246 .
12 In any case the years of growth came to an end in the 1970s : structure plans , ideal documents perhaps for broad-brush indication of options in spatial development , became less and less suitable to cope with a ‘ no change ’ situation .
13 This is seen as part of its policy to make citizens more self-reliant , and less prone to look to the state for financial and practical support when they are out of work , chronically sick , elderly and infirm and so on .
14 It 's not necessarily anti-male prejudice — men are more likely to be full-time at work and less able to look after the kids .
15 By 1899 California had a 35,000-strong Japanese community , economically successful , culturally discrete and less inclined to integrate into the ‘ melting pot ’ than most other national groups .
16 The second major set of structures start from the late Palaeozoic ( though may also be much older ) and relate to the collisions and less obvious splitting along the line of the Mediterranean/Tethys .
17 At every stage in the development of the Minoan culture , the potters — and especially those working in the temple-precincts — were producing work to please their patrons .
18 There has been a tendency more recently , however , for deaf people to be wary of consecutive interpreting where they may feel information is added to , or subtracted from , the message ( Allsop and Kyle , 1982 ) , even though for spoken languages it has usually been felt that consecutive interpreting is much more effective and much easier to check for the validity of the interpretation ( Herbert , 1978 ) .
19 Harkin , serving his second term as senator after five terms in the House of Representatives , was an unabashed liberal ; a populist of working-class stock and thus able to appeal to the Democrats ' traditional constituency , his abrasiveness could alienate middle-class voters .
20 The biochemical evolution of the Earth , including the creation of the reptiles , dinosaurs and the mammals , has as its sole purpose the ultimate evolution of intelligent beings capable of under-standing the laws of physics , and thus able to speculate about the origin and density of the universe .
21 As will be seen , there were contemporary factors which favoured any programme that was sufficiently flexible to contribute to administering the " common life " , and thus able to contribute to a newly-important conception of " vocational education " .
22 It has been considered that the simultaneous presence of ultradian and daily rhythms suggests that they are related in some way and possibly all come from the same body clock .
23 The sale ring was packed far beyond its proper capacity and still hundreds crowded outside the doors .
24 Oh yes , I could do that , thought Grainne , sleepless and still half drowning in the warmth and the sweetness .
25 Indeed , the initial experiences of the ECSC had led some to argue that rather than pursue a sector by sector strategy , it would be far easier and more logical to plan for the integration of whole economies .
26 However , he will be fitter and more able to cope with the ground than the form book danger , Rusch de Farges , whom he beat three lengths last season , but the latter has an 8lb advantage .
27 Even though it may do nothing to alter the circumstances , many people feel much calmer and more able to cope with the situation after ‘ a good cry ’ .
28 I believe that they are now closer to their customers and more able to cater for the needs of their customers , including those who fall behind with their payments .
29 He tends to be less radical and confrontational than the most nationally prominent black politician , the Rev Jesse Jackson , and more willing to work with the establishment to achieve his goals .
30 A systematic and documented approach will be more cost effective , auditable and more likely to come to the right conclusions .
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