Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] them [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Among the duties … which require to be revived , thrift and prudence are pre-eminent ; and thrift and prudence can only be taught by men who will associate with the people and thus induce them to face the elementary laws of economy .
2 The reason , one supposes , for their usefulness in the wind band rather than the orchestra is no doubt the weight and solidity of tone which overcomes in the former combination any disadvantages which might be caused by the highly individual tone-colour of the saxophones , and thus enables them to enrich the texture and , by their vitality , to add the gaiety and fun which are such marked features of their character , as well as a brand of melancholy particularly to be associated with the alto instrument , hence its occasional use for solo work .
3 What I 've recorded and just letting them have the tapes .
4 The authors have taken the basic concepts of keeping cichlids of all sizes and often adapted them to suit the best requirements of the species being kept .
5 We wanted to break the dreadful sex magazine mafia , allow people to buy what they wanted and maybe get them to understand the plumbing of sex .
6 We 'll eat stra virtually fairly soon and then let them have a look at them .
7 For example , to commemorate a wedding , you could press some of the flowers carried by the bride in her bouquet , and then use them to decorate a sheet of the music played at the wedding .
8 Andy has a large input to the design side , having the enjoyment of being able to turn ideas in to reality and then use them to give a financial return .
9 As an exercise for students we can alter all or some instances of the article and then ask them to rewrite the discourse : again — as always — for a specified receiver .
10 There was a practical circus item which asked pupils to weigh given letters and then cost them using the postal charges table ( see Table 4.8 ) .
11 It implies that a curriculum which first offers students theoretical components , and then expects them to put the theory ‘ into practice ’ in the practical situation , is misconceived .
12 Our timber floor is made of attractive boards in good condition , so I 'm wondering if there are any problems with staining them and then finishing them using a clear varnish .
13 She closed her eyes for a second , and then opened them to see a glimpse of concern on Guy Sterne 's dark face .
14 He knew how to break one rock with another rock so they were sharp and then used them to make a point on a stick .
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