Example sentences of "and [pers pn] have [adv] [vb pp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ My husband and I have just taken out a massive loan to finance the purchase of offices and manufacturing equipment .
2 In addition , I agree and I have now done so , supplied them with further information about this county 's employee profile , and that 's sir , is where the matter now rests .
3 ‘ Duke Hussey and I have often discussed how ten years would be too long in any top job and many staff at all levels in the BBC have heard his pleas for the BBC to bring forward younger men and women .
4 ‘ Duke Hussey and I have often discussed how ten years would be too long in any top job and many staff at all levels in the BBC have heard his pleas for the BBC to bring forward younger men and women .
5 And I have never turned down any woman for a job on the grounds that she might go and get married , or have a baby , thus necessitating six months ’ paid maternity leave . ’
6 ‘ The first person I would phone should I wish to sign Davies would be the Widnes chairman Jim Mills and I have never done so . ’
7 ‘ But I did not declare for the Light-Bringer , and I have never done so since .
8 Sex , when properly understood , is one of the greatest human pleasures , and I have never seen why the older generation should be so niggardly about passing on the information .
9 Now I am never ashamed of anything , for I consider shame to be a bourgeois and petty emotion , but this was the one occasion when I felt ashamed of myself , and I have never forgotten how sad it made me to have denied my principles for the sake of friendship and love — or what I imagined to be love .
10 ‘ People are always trying to put me down and I have always come back better . ’
11 In terms of space , sanitation and general cleanliness , conditions seemed acceptable , and I have certainly seen worse in British prisons .
12 Available UK coal stocks may last another three to four hundred years , North Sea gas used at current levels another 30 years , and we have already used over 40 per cent of North Sea oil .
13 ‘ They put a delayed payment on it — and we have just picked up the cheque . ’
14 It is n't a good system , and we have now heard both Jimmy Airlie and John Edmunds say that they hope it will be the last time it is used .
15 ‘ Operators have been in discussion with the Health and Safety Executive for some time , and we have now come up with a code of practice accepted by the HSE and drawn up by BERSA ( British Elastic Ropes Sports Association ) . ’
16 The source added : ‘ Di told Enya that she is her number one fan , and they have since met again and have now become quite good friends . ’
17 But win Norwich did and they have since gone on to preserve their First Division lives and reach the FA Cup semi-finals .
18 At the same time , some smart security companies have wised up and realized that such people are bad for business and they have duly set out to recruit the New Bouncer , who is trained to smile and defuse , rather than scowl and disembowel .
19 Their productivity on both counts has been phenomenal : — the' Shrewsbury' grandchildren they mother total sixty-nine and they have also produced collectively in excess of one hundred and fifty publications — fiction and non-fiction , scientific and socio-political .
20 Managers need to be alert to the influences that in combination persuade staff to take ( and condone others taking ) short cuts through the safety rules and procedures because , mistakenly , the perceived benefits outweigh the risks , and they have perhaps got away with it in the past .
21 And they have never asked why .
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