Example sentences of "and [pers pn] is [det] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Er and it is that minority of unscrupulous traders who make life very difficult for you and of course make life very difficult for Trading Standards .
2 In the Eighties , he made a remarkable body of neon art and it is that side of his activity which forms an exhibition at Anthony d'Offay ( to 16 May ) .
3 Fibre is the indigestible component of our diet , almost always derived from vegetable produce , and it is those components of the diet that can not be broken down by the digestive system which in turn pass into the large bowel and contribute to the bulk of faecal waste matter .
4 External events are represented in the brain as spatio-temporal patterns of neural activity , and it is these patterns of activity which must themselves be the agents of synaptic change .
5 Costs from more routine accidents build up , and it is these sorts of accidents which have been costed for the HSE study .
6 ‘ We 're saying that the plates had passengers on them and it is these pieces of flotsam and jetsam , not the crustal plates , that have made the most impact on land formation , ’ Blake says .
7 We have already seen how naturally the need to fit a certain number of half wavelengths into an interval leads to discreteness and it is some way of introducing a radical discreteness into mechanics which we are looking for .
8 The fourth type of love is what the New Testament calls agape and it is this kind of love to which Jesus refers in calling on us to love our neighbour as ourself .
9 A literally incalculable number of wives , ex-wives , widows and children were also engaged in casual work which is not recorded by the census , and it is this kind of employment , usually undertaken at the dictates of the family economy , that will be considered briefly here .
10 This misrecognition later becomes the ‘ ego ideal ’ which affords identification with idealised others , and it is this possibility of identification which constitutes another aspect of pleasure in film-viewing , as well as the voyeuristic mode posited by Freud .
11 And it is this spirit of competitiveness which can cause a link to be forged between the " categorical assertions " of religions and the dark side of religion .
12 All Welsh counties for instance are limited to increasing their budgets of one point seven on point seven five percent over nineteen ninety three , ninety four are as the cities of Cardiff and Swansea and the borough of Newport and it is this cap of one point seven percent as my honourable friend for Cardiff South and Penarth has pointed out , which is at the route of the funding problems of the South Wales police authority area .
13 It might appear , from the arguments and prejudices just considered , that the nature of the commitment dividing holists from individualists has already emerged : holists , it seems , are in effect determinists , and it is this feature of their theories that individualists are anxious to reject .
14 This is what the Englishness of England is made of , and it is this sense of place and the particular which we are currently in danger of losing , just as we come to understand it more clearly .
15 The actual point of this transition depends on several factors and it is this change of response which takes some getting used to , particularly for those with lots of fixed-wing experience .
16 This type of investment , which involves the establishment of an enterprise over which the parent company exercises decisive management control , is termed foreign direct investment ( FDI ) , and it is this type of foreign investment with which this chapter is mainly concerned .
17 It is a text which explores the pain and grief caused by having one 's desires destroyed by the pressures of social convention and it is this set of emotions which has sustained its reputation in gay subcultures .
18 During this time Coe was on the dole and living in Bermondsey , and it is this period of his life that gave him the basis for The Dwarves of Death .
19 It also exonerates the community from taking on some of these tasks — caring for the elderly , the chronically sick and the disabled , and it is this aspects of the emphasis on family responsibility that produces scepticism about the motivation of exponents of active citizenship : it is seen as a substitute for the state 's responsibility for the social element of the citizenship of entitlement .
20 And it is this sort of awareness , which involves deliberation and reflection on instances of puzzlement , that allows children to exert increasing control over their mental life , ultimately leading to independence of thought .
21 Language in its significant sense is that vocal gesture which tends to arouse in the individual the attitude which it arouses in others , and it is this perfecting of the self by the gesture which mediates the social activities that gives rise to the process of taking the role of the other .
22 The team members previously worked on developing the software optimising compilers for Elbrus , and it is this technology in particular that SunPro wants to take to the US .
23 Unlike /h/ , however , [ r ] seems to have been lost quite early in a forerunner of the institutional British accent ( RP ) at a time when consciousness of the standard ideology was beginning to develop , and it is this difference in the social evaluation of ( r ) and ( h ) which seems to be the explanation for dominant attitudes to it .
24 And it is this feeling of confusion which teacher John Mann pinpoints as one of the most damaging aspects of the current controversy .
25 And it is this recourse to the Saussurean model which gives rise to the most innovative of structuralism 's extensions of the linguistic analogy : poetics .
26 Britain 's armed forces were not fully committed to the struggle until after D Day , and it is this gap in time between the turn of fortune and the invasion of Europe that saw the most intense interest in post-war planning and , in particular , full employment policy .
27 Er narcissism and narcissism , narcissistic libido is , is , is that part of libido which is concerned with the ego and it is this aspect of the libido especially which is involved in a group , because as I think erm somebody said over here when developing this point , this leads to for example a group narcissism .
28 The idea of service is extended to include the work that the manager does when he leaves his office , and it is this devotion to duty which marks him off from all the others .
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