Example sentences of "and [pers pn] would [verb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 But after a week or so I was acclimatised , and I would laugh at the discomforts of half-asphyxiated visitors .
2 Up and down and over and over , again and again and I 'd marvel at the bulk of prayer they made in any one day .
3 I 'd go off to work , and she 'd look at the script and say : ‘ Who are you working with today , what are you doing ? ’
4 Rella would point to the sixth dot and say solemnly : ‘ This is here , ’ and she 'd point at the floor , to make sure I understood .
5 She would joke about the young ‘ uns with fat bums , riding around in cars and we would marvel at the so-called disabled people dismounting briskly from buses or climbing energetically from orange-badged cars .
6 Caroline and the family would often come with me and we 'd stay at the Butcher 's Arms overnight .
7 Mother Francis would have loved that old cottage to be Eve 's home ; she could see in her mind 's eye a kind of life where Eve would bring her student friends home from university to stay there for weekends , and they would call at the convent and have tea in the parlour .
8 At that point in his life , he would sit at the door of a club when he was playing and he would glare at the people who came in .
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