Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [adv] [vb -s] [that] [art] " in BNC.

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1 One of my constituents is the prison officer allegedly involved in those activities , and he strongly insists that the portrayal of what happened in Brixton in last week 's Thames Television programme is totally wrong .
2 He acknowledges that precisely what rules of property there should be is undetermined by this ‘ general requirement of justice ’ and he also concedes that the choice of rules will be to some extent arbitrary .
3 He believes that the United States has been destroyed by morally subversive elements ( such as Sigmund Freud , Franklin Delano Roosevelt and , of course , Elvis Presley ) , and he also claims that the government ‘ ruint ’ him by interfering in his coal-mining business .
4 Discographer Brian Rust recalls playing one side of a record while holding the other in his hand , and he also adds that the cardboard formed the best blotting-paper imaginable !
5 Every individual 's speech is different from any other 's ; it follows from this that no one speaker can be taken to represent a particular accent or dialect , and it also follows that the idea of a ‘ standard Received Pronunciation ’ is a convenient fiction , not a scientific fact .
6 It implies , of course , that as long as they have the right kind of causal relations , other machines , apart from brains , can possess mentality ; and it also implies that the study of artificial intelligence and computational modelling is the royal road to understanding mentality .
7 This means that the budget is in itself an important part of financial accountability and it also means that the final accounts often include , for comparative purposes , budgetary information .
8 The coffins have identical plumbing and outer cases , and it therefore appears that the same funeral furnisher was used throughout , giving a continuity of thirty-one years .
9 Often this criticism is less than coherent , and it sometimes seems that a principal reason for the volume of protest is simply that rates are an unusually transparent tax ; there are few other cases where individuals are personally and directly responsible for making payments ’ .
10 IBM Corp is leaving launch of the new top-end mainframe disk drive to its AdStar unit in San Jose , and it now appears that the introduction has been brought forward to tomorrow — perhaps in an effort to steal Hitachi Data Systems Inc 's thunder .
11 However , it should be noted that Scrutton LJ 's words were said in a case involving a contract between commercial parties and it now seems that the insistence that public policy is primarily concerned with holding people to their agreements is now out of favour .
12 The old sunset-defying British Empire stands out even better , and it so happens that the main fossiliferous parts of it fall on a non-equatorial great circle , thereby providing ample ammunition for the polar wanderers .
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