Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [vb -s] [pron] into the " in BNC.

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1 And er I gets him down and I gets him into the stable , and I gets all the clothes off him and he gets into a bag , a bran bag , more bags and lay down and covered himself , and I hung his clothes round the boiler fire .
2 You see , he 's got thousands of titles and things , and she likes him into the bargain ; also she wants me to be presented at court next year — as his wife .
3 the only thing again that I 'm thinking of what if we gets them out of the caravan and we gets them into the car and we 're getting them in and out here and then we gets them back into the car to take them back over and in to the caravan , what if we rip the bloody things ?
4 There 's this little bent old man with a shopping trolley thing and he bashes it into the back of my legs .
5 And of course he goes in and the horse drops in the far side of the wee barn , and er Old goes in with his dram and he dips it into the horse trough you ken , and he turns you ken with his regimental ,
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