Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [was/were] [verb] [adv prt] at " in BNC.

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1 It was late and I was looking down at Chung Kuo , wondering what lay ahead .
2 ‘ You attended Edwin Garland in his last illness and you were called in at his death .
3 and she was looking down at it , right
4 The ceiling had been removed and we were looking up at where the roof of the house once had been .
5 The road was deserted and we were throbbing along at a moderate pace when suddenly the engine sputtered and stopped .
6 Another few totters and another series of hasty hoppity-skips , and they were looking down at a ramshackle wooden building which sat in a hollow among yellow bushes of gorse .
7 Anyway , , the old shed looks well there er , I du n no why I started to look out and the cat was on his back legs with his feet like that and he was looking up at me like that !
8 Sims 's smile had gone a little rueful and he was looking down at his hands , turning a gold-tipped cigarette in his small fingers .
9 Yes and he was buried up at Creeting you see .
10 I was retiring and he was coming through at eighteen , nineteen , and erm twelve years later , he 's now driving for me in Grand Prix racing .
11 Both her hands were imprisoned in his now , and he was staring down at them .
12 The road was owned by Mr Dalison who gave it to the parish , in 1892 and it was made up at the cost of £40 and the improvements to the cemetery cost a further £21 140 .
13 He left a note explaining his action and it was read out at the inquest .
14 Unfortunately , this had the effect of making it also extremely mobile during transport , and it was sliding about at every bend in the road .
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