Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [vb mod] have [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 My money was due on the 11th , and when I have posted this , my last stamp will be spent , and I shall have to wait 'till she remembers .
2 If I 'm not careful my family will have grown up and I will have missed part of it . ’
3 It was n't that I minded Fenella and I could have had fun doing a wind-up on her parents .
4 And you 'll have to take time to do Terry .
5 Oh , that 's what I mean er and you 'll have to make haste wo n't you ?
6 Concrete can be moulded into the most complex shapes but it can be difficult to lay and you 'll have to prepare formwork to contain it .
7 Since the proclamation of Czech independence from the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1918 , the castle has sheltered the president of the Czech Republic , and you may have to make way for an enfilade of black limousines or indeed for the changing of the guard every hour in their colourful new uniforms .
8 It does no good to pretend that public relations is not a formidable instrument of change — it is , and you will have to make value judgements .
9 And she would have to buy food now for the boy for the next forty-odd hours , since she 'd be in no fit state to do so after .
10 Most of the shutters were still closed and she would have welcomed light .
11 But as the venture was something of an experiment , and we might have to move south again before long , we decided to rent a house rather than buy one .
12 I was about to say , If Eva and Dad get married you 'll be my brother and we 'll have committed incest , but I managed to shut my trap .
13 In the chapters which follow , we discuss the constructional meanings that they contribute to the language ; there are also one or two minor structures to be introduced later , and we shall have to take note of certain cases where apparently identical sequences of surface syntax correspond to different intensional patterns .
14 By the time you read this ( Merry Chrimbo , by the way ! ) we will have held a social evening to welcome our new members on the 1st October , we will have been to see the chilling drama ‘ The Woman in Black ’ at the Fortune Theatre on the 19th November and we will have had Christmas drinks on the 12th December .
15 And I mean I put an asterisk down there to say that 's what I thought was going to come out quite heavily simply because this is is the case on these courses , you know the people that we get on these courses every single one of these that we 've had , and we must have had coming up to what over ten now , every single one we 've had people that the most the majority of people have had team work very high on the score .
16 For that reason , we are unlikely to find French recruits with QTS and they will have to seek employment here as ‘ licensed teachers ’ .
17 It could have been much worse because London itself lay defenceless before them , and they could have wreaked havoc in the capital .
18 Inspirational Richards helped Leicester storm back from 18-3 down to 18-11 — and they could have snatched victory in the dying stages .
19 They argued that categories such as crime and mental illness ( and they could have added child abuse ) do not occur naturally , but are products of social definition .
20 And he 'll have collected food from the airport . ’
21 And he would have asked manager Mark McCormack why .
22 He was very geared to the principle of being in an indie band for the sake of it and he would have had difficulty signing to a major label on any terms . ’
23 Irina 's brother was a member of the Navy Board , and he must have taken pleasure in sowing any seed which was likely to grow into a further barrier between father and son .
24 Billy 's been brilliant because we 've had him on an album-by-album deal , and he could have jumped ship , but he 's been really loyal . ’
25 It was too soon to leave , the atmosphere was too tense , and it would have to become calm again or to revisit would n't be possible .
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