Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [vb mod] [verb] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 I 'll take you straight home to rest and I 'll organize Gaston and Julius to come just before five , and I 'll tell Karl he is to report promptly .
2 And I 'll ask Nick and Peter about which wine . ’
3 And they 're all starch , they 're all potatoes and I 'll have egg and chips and bread and more bread .
4 There were days when the world was shrouded in a mist and I would feign headaches and period pains to get me out of awkward situations such as reading in class .
5 These will fade away and I will find joy and enthusiasm for what I do .
6 Erm so really you tell me which jobs you 're gon na send reports out on , a and erm that you would like that particular field sorting out , and I will get Ken and Amanda and Kerry to er t to get something in there , so that when you pull it off erm you 're happy with it or we can then edit it .
7 You walked in and you goes Melissa and Rupert goes ooh ! and I could see Rupert and then you go , I go Rupert I go
8 And I can get Richard and and Sally interested
9 But we lived near a battery , we lived out at Whale Park And when they they deciding give the Elizabeth was just a baby then and I used to grab Elizabeth and go in the bed and the d down quilt and the pillows on top of us and lie tight and send you until the was in the sitting room and the search light follow the plane was at The plane was that near the house that the searchlight come right into the window , and the next I ken was the bullets ricocheting off the roof .
10 The nose is more subtle than some Cabernets , but search and you 'll find currants and an edge of tar .
11 It 's a hectic time and you 'll need help and advice along the way .
12 That box will go and you 'll have name and year
13 A magic peep-hole , wrote Harsnet. pay extra and you may see Ferdinand and Miranda playing at chess .
14 and you can record things and mm
15 Then concentrate your styling efforts to get the results you want and you can save time and effort .
16 Many herbs grow easily from seed , fortunately still reasonably inexpensive , and you can save seed and take your own cuttings from year to year .
17 But then if you did it at the stage before , before it gets into the Scottish Theatre Guide you can then make your dates available or you can agree your dates and you can get publicity and that at home .
18 Any spreadsheet can include more than one page and you can use commands and formula between and across pages — for example you can write a sum that adds the contents of the same cell in a number of pages as in the example shown here where the fourth page of the spreadsheet summarises three month 's sales collected on the three previous pages .
19 You have a heightened awareness , which is induced by suggestions , and you can visualise problems and start to deal with them .
20 They 're recalling painful events from the war and you can have tears and great distress .
21 Kent is always full of ideas to help raise money and you can have FUN and raise FUNDS .
22 Yeah , yes I 'll just have a piece of fish and you can have fish and chips , we wo n't have time to cook anything will we ?
23 Funny Man is the competition and we have a new pre-release video as a prize and there 's a phone-in and you can take part and have a chat on the air Afternoon Special this afternoon just after the two o'clock news .
24 On the hour the news and weather , and we 'd like to hear from you this afternoon cos we have a phone-in and you can take part and have a chat on the air .
25 It 's all very well keeping mentally flexible and all the rest of the who-har , but if you , er , my , my mother stopped and said to her many years ago , she said , you do n't look your age , you do n't act your age , you do n't sound your age , you do n't think your age , but you are your age , and this is absolutely true , as you grow older , nothing will stop the fact that your arteries get a little harder , so that , you know , that you get raised blood pressure quite easily if your agitated and you are , for some reason you , you have to puff a lot more , I was reading about this just recently , and these are changes that take place whatever you do , you can exercise , and you can take vitamins and you can keep your weight down , but you age .
26 and you could go Sunday and have a beer
27 You 've heard the theory — now put it into practice , and you could win £1000 and the chance to have your short story published .
28 Nowadays people are worried about er , drinking milk and dairy products because of the cholesterol bit , but I think that we 've got to remember that there 's a lot of calcium in milk and you should drink milk and take plenty of exercise and that is the time when it 's probably extremely important !
29 Jas ca n't , so of course yours truly will have to do it — and YOU must do costumes and décor .
30 And you 'd put handkerchiefs and collars and that , and you used to have to starch the collars in those days .
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