Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [verb] [be] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I left before the tour was over because it was time for Mott The Hoople to come and tour and I 'd been designated as the person to take care of them , so I went off before it was over .
2 And I remember being called to Caernarfon once , during the time , asking me why did I have such a lot of surplus of points .
3 Well , I do 'appen to 'ave good legs , and I 've been complimented on me knees too . ’
4 And on the other hand , what are changes such that we want to say that at the end of the change there is just no me left there at all and I 've been replaced by something else .
5 And I 've been ordered to .
6 And I 've been stung by nettles , ’ he said , injured , and pretended not to hear Dorrainge who said it was a mistake to pamper nettle stings , and they had n't the time to soothe people 's silly imagined injuries .
7 It is n't working out for me , I 've been told I 've got ta increase my payments to a hundred and one pounds fifty two a week for my two children from my previous marriage , and I 've been told by Social Security that the hundred and one pound fifty two a week will take my ex-wife and her husband off income support , so I will be keeping her family and their child .
8 Well the parrot he sort of came in the Boar War he did he sort of flitted on my shoulder and I 've been lumbered with him ever since and nobody seems to want him .
9 ‘ Well , ’ he said disarmingly , ‘ I may be the devil , but I do n't drink and I 've been married to the same woman for 40 years , so I ca n't be that bad . ’
10 It 's all a long time ago and I 've been married to him for thirty-nine years .
11 Again I thought , well , the world 's there whenever I want it and I had been presented with an incredible opportunity . ’
12 Forbidden to speak any language but French , Marius and I had been punished by the Corporals for speaking English while dismantling the tents at Canjuers .
13 My mother-in-law helped to run one of the early family planning clinics , and I had been despatched to an appointment with the other doctor ! )
14 I have always thought that we entered the ERM at a rate of exchange that was much too high , and I have been reinforced in this view by Britain 's poor showing in international trade during the past 18 months .
15 And , yes , I know , to become gods you have to lose God and I have been touched by evil .
16 ‘ A couple of the DJs and I have been invited to a party being given by one of the local music companies .
17 ‘ The one consolation is that my husband Samuel and David and I have been invited to be in the audience when Go For It is filmed .
18 I have lived here for nearly eighteen years and I have been accepted by the local community .
19 Upper Halling has its own team and in its early days this team played in the field opposite the Robin Hood , and I have been told of near carnivals on Sunday afternoons .
20 what I would like and I 'm sure it happens with the previous C P O er and I have been notified by telephone and I keep saying to them let me know , but I would like probably a memo from each C P O to say that there is a meeting on this particular night .
21 My family and I have been subjected to unprovoked stone-throwing and spitting by gangs of youths who I presume are from right wing groups .
22 Erm , are now in the process of following up to see if who has made er the switch to the new regime , and I have been approached by one project leader who has two programmers who refused to change , and has asked for help .
23 And ma'am , just on a brief note of clarification , the report which has been referred to was a report prepared by the County Planning Officer , endorsed and I think was prepared in his name and was presented t to a working party of Greater York authorities .
24 And you 've been reassured by the responses ?
25 You come to trial and you 've been accused of something , what were they accusing him of ?
26 We talk about ‘ god ’ sometimes here at home , and you have been told at school to sing hymns and say prayers to ‘ god ’ , and you hear ‘ god ’ spoken about on the radio and television , also your friends talk and argue about ‘ god ’ , but nobody at all will tell you who or what ‘ god ’ really is , and this is because ‘ god ’ is only imaginary just as fairies are .
27 And you have been persuaded by these arguments ? ’
28 Once she 'd got known for being presentable , turning up sober and on time , not leaving early with the spoons and able to tell left hand from right , word got round and she 'd been passed from college to college by grateful manciples .
29 And she 'd been charmed with Bergerac itself .
30 Somewhere between the time when they had fallen into an exhausted sleep and when she had woken to this grey dawn , all the joy and magic of what they had shared had faded , and she had been overcome by doubts .
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