Example sentences of "and [prep] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They were also , however , profoundly suspicious of proposals for state welfare , which they identified as a means of diminishing working-class control over their own lives and as palliative substitutes for the workers ' just demands for control over the means of production , high wages and full employment .
2 Patrilocal residence , where women join the households of their husbands rather than vice versa , and the continued strength of the system of domestic production , where families consume most of what they produce rather than buy and sell in the market , have always been seen as obstacles to capitalist development in the Third World and as strong reinforcements for the maintenance of feudal-patriarchal relations .
3 Editor , — As training grade doctors participating in the task force process in Trent region , and as executive members of the Junior Doctors Committee , we have seen the intolerable pressures placed on medical staffing numbers in pursuit of the controls on working hours .
4 The US dollar , which had peaked at US$1.00=DM1.85 during May and June 1991 from a February trough of 1.44 , had fallen back by the end of November to below 1.6 , as early hopes of a rapid recovery in US consumer spending faded , and as unfavourable indicators in the employment market coincided with news of a disappointing trade balance in September .
5 An application for a postgraduate award can be a lengthy and detailed process , and as closing dates for the receipt of applications for awards are normally strictly adhered to , undergraduates are advised to make enquiries early in the second term of their final year of study .
6 The CNAA , with the uncertainties born of divided interests and aims within the Council and between different levels of the CNAA 's own expanding machinery , was looking for ways to pursue the goal of greater academic independence for the institutions .
7 The notation for any given geographical division varies between classes and between different parts of the same class .
8 At a basic level it communicates between you and your computer and between different parts of the hardware .
9 Under certain conditions the balance of class forces , plus the conflicts within and between different elites in the state system over state power might result in opportunities for interests opposed to monopoly capital to seize the state and pursue policies antithetical to its interest .
10 Conventions arise as a result of changes in the relationships within and between different organs of the state .
11 That is , to put it at its most basic , the respondent is at least an adequate reporter of his or her attitudes , beliefs and other subjective states , his or her relationship with others , past , present and intended behaviour , and about objective features of the respondent 's life .
12 All members of HIAN receive the College 's Journal ‘ Henley Newslink ’ , which contains information and news about Henley 's world-wide activities as well as articles by and about leading members of the international business community and Alumni .
13 All members of HIAN receive the College 's Journal ‘ Henley Newslink ’ , which contains information and news about Henley 's world-wide activities as well as articles by and about leading members of the international business community and Alumni .
14 Anxiety for the primary sufferer and for other members of the family .
15 Love and concern for the primary sufferer and for other members of the family .
16 Hundreds passed through Teheran for the Shah and for other members of the court .
17 The Act provides for the local education authority to ensure that a child identified as having special educational needs is given education within an ordinary school as long as that is compatible with efficient use of resources and efficient education , both for the child concerned and for other children at the school .
18 This version of a marketable discharge licence process employs a national airshed , but it could be applied at a state or local level and for other pollutants in the future .
19 Your blood pressure will be measured , and you will be checked for any swelling in fingers or toes , and for varicose veins in the legs .
20 The circulars were for double glazing , a credit card company and for small deductions on the purchase of a variety of household goods .
21 Peter Johnson , 38 , has been appointed UK Operations Director , with responsibility for ACET 's existing operations and for new developments within the UK .
22 In 1816 , the year Davy 's lamp was introduced , J. H. H. Holmes , a mining inspector , published a book containing ‘ accounts of the explosions from fire damp which have occurred for the last 20 years ; their causes and the means proposed for their remedy and for general improvements of the mining systems by new methods of ventilation . ’
23 Bristol , Avon-based Meiko Ltd has installed one of its expandable 3.2GFlops CS-2 parallel processing systems at Southampton University : the system will initially be used by the University 's Concurrent Computation Group to evaluate the portable programming system being developed under the European Community 's Esprit-3 research programme , but is to be expanded to provide a central computing resource for molecular and computational dynamics research and for developing applications with the university 's industrial partners .
24 The USSR provided inspiration and support for the liberation of the masses of eastern Europe , for the overthrow of imperialist exploitation in Asia and Africa , and for progressive forces throughout the world .
25 And they use this role play to explore their interests and their concerns ; in similar ways and for similar purposes to the way we use drama — to explore and develop their understanding of the world .
26 Standard periods would be prescribed for different types of business , although it would be possible to apply for a special timetable at an early stage and for detailed variations of the timetable .
27 There are , for example , calls for an increase in farm protection for one crop , and for proposed restrictions on the volumes of subsidised farm exports to be forgotten .
28 He wants continued support for all the existing research units that evaluate screening programmes , and for careful assessments of the long-term outcomes of screening on the population .
29 A sufficient moral universe it may remain for those who inhabit it , but they are a dwindling band and for large areas of the country Labour 's world is a cultural world apart .
30 For interest on interim payments totalling seventeen thousand eight hundred and seventy one pounds and thirty pet pence and for statutory benefits on the relative multi relevant multiplier of eighteen , coming to a total of seventy one thousand four hundred and sixteen pounds and eighty pence .
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