Example sentences of "and [noun sg] can be [verb] as " in BNC.

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1 More accurately , the apathy and futility can be described as schizoid aloofness .
2 And Greenness can be seen as the political wing of the New Age .
3 Man and machine can be regarded as sub-systems each making a distinctive contribution towards the achievement of the purposes of the working system .
4 Hart , in his book Law , Liberty and Morality can be used as models of the relationship between the criminal law and contemporary moral rules or mores .
5 The problem of global evil and suffering can be seen as an indictment of religion
6 Both the 1965 ‘ plan ’ and devaluation can be seen as technocratic measures , equally inadequate to abolish the competitive weakness of the UK economy — a weakness which is inscribed in its industrial structure , and the slow growth of productivity which is linked to the development of social relations within enterprises as well as the shortfall of investment .
7 But relative decline is used as an indicator by some ; and output can be used as a measure rather than employment .
8 In classrooms where such a pattern exists personal pace and achievement can be taken as the yardstick against which learning is measured .
9 Odour masking and counteraction can be regarded as two distinct methods of odour abatement , although both processes often take place together in practice .
10 Soap flakes , Polycell , wallpaper paste and sawdust can be used as paint thickeners .
11 Although the visuals are the most important part of film-making , sound also has an important part to play , and music can be used as a powerful creator of mood and atmosphere .
12 Insecticides such as Sybol , Picket and Sprayday can be used as a drench either when an infestation is suspected or , preferably , as a preventative measure in July .
13 So as long as gender and race can be satisfactorily subordinated to class then Marxism does not need refuting , and history can be reasserted as the single narrative of the Third International .
14 But it seems safe to say that there are circumstances in which litost and glasnost can be recognised as enemies , and that this enmity can be recognised in the novel Life is elsewhere .
15 In medieval times , each abbey and castle can be seen as the administrative head or caput of its scattered holdings .
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