Example sentences of "and [noun sg] [conj] [pron] [vb base] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Feel a sense of harmony , poise and slimness as you perform them .
2 And that 's a , and that 's them all over the country , not only Edinburgh , all over the country , in north south east and west and you name it .
3 ‘ You run and stumble and I bear you to the ground . ’
4 Some of his characters develop , and change and we follow their progress but others such as Pumblechook do n't change and our first impressions of them will not change .
5 My brother and I treat them as full brother and sister and we spoil them rotten .
6 Er , mine died when I was nine and my mother has been my mother and a father to both myself my brother and sister and I feel she 's done just as good a job as I could of as my father could have done .
7 They have no partner with whom to face middle or old age , or who will provide stability and companionship when they need it .
8 Between Christmas and New Year , sitting writing the notes for this course , I was very twitchy about how successful it would be , and now quite happy talking to the children and school teachers and listening to the hubbub of questions and pleasure as they do it , that the thing is working .
9 Packet of sugar and and tea and what have you .
10 You want a cup and tea and you name it .
11 It may simply be said that what is needed for two events to be cause and effect as we understand them is that the probability of the second , given the first , is higher than the probability of the second , given the absence of the first .
12 It is essential if you are to have a clear mind about each particular job and interview that you keep your applications and all the information relevant to them methodically filed and easily accessible .
13 I believe that insurance is an honest attempt to provide financial security and independence when you need it most .
14 Anthropologists , in turn , have attempted to argue that , for example , the transition from brideservice , in which labour is performed by the prospective groom , to bridewealth , where objects are given in exchange for the bride , marks a significant difference in the development of a phenomenon whereby objects may stand for human labour , with the implication that this is the first stage towards the conditions of property and alienation as we know them today ( Strathern 1985 ) .
15 While the formalities are being dealt with , relatives should be given every comfort and assistance if they seek it .
16 It suits us that haste is made slowly and that we have to think and plan before we commit ourselves .
17 At best you could offer them your experience and maturity while they offer their enthusiasm and energy .
18 ‘ I use two amps on stage , switching between the two : a Marshall , which is set quite low but with a good , meaty kind of sound , and a reissue Fender blackface Twin Reverb set up with a cleaner sound and vibrato if I want it .
19 It 's fairly knocked about but has vintage feel and character and I hope I ripped him off .
20 erm I I think that being able to acknowledge for themselves — the adults — for them to be able to acknowledge to themselves that this is a very stressful time , that erm that children may be needing that extra bit of sensitivity erm in terms of how we respond to their behaviour , which may be very erm connected with the general level excitement and and stress that I think we as adults are feeling , and certainly that are being picked up from the media .
21 As detectives Bob Louis and David Briggs they work purely on hunch , gut feeling and inspiration and they get it wrong every time !
22 They squeeze their balls a little tighter , and smile because they think I 'm saying ‘ Hello , I love you ’ .
23 To Branson this embodied a business principle of disarming simplicity : some people , when they are in trouble , cut back and back and back until they have nothing left .
24 Hollywood sends back its version of Irish folklore and legend and we buy it with added Technicolor and schmaltz .
25 It is true that there is a distinction between art as it is used develop mentally in schools and art as we know it in the world , but for most people is n't art what we knew it as in school ?
26 There are a number of computer games that one can get erm there 's Speak and Spell and I think there 's another one called Little Professor .
27 Feel a sense of wellbeing and control as you do them .
28 So always buy more flowers and foliage than you think you will need to allow for some spares .
29 There 's no shortage of ingredients for the blend of feature articles and news that you say you enjoy ; the list of talented and distinguished alumni who are willing to write for the magazine is impressive and the University itself is a rich source of news .
30 You local Community Health Council — who play a part in representing the interest of local patients — can provide help and advice if you need it .
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