Example sentences of "and [noun pl] and [conj] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There , gazing out from the balconies and look-out points , they imagined they were on board frigates and corvettes and that they had cannons and decks .
2 Somebody comes in and runs a separate form puts all their customer and all they 're doing is when the orders change they just put the and it prints out notes and labels and if you 've got hundreds of them it saves a job in time and money and the girl .
3 The natural ecosystem is relatively closed and comprises self-regulating cycles , however the urban-industrial ecosystem is open to large imports of foreign material and toxins and unless we add detoxification and recycling processes it creates a disturbing influence on the biosphere .
4 something else that could be quite actually misleading might sleep , be very sleepy , difficult to wake , so if you 've got the baby and you think your baby 's due for a feed and it did n't take very much at the last feed , you ca n't wake it up you should n't think oh well I 'll have to wait for another four hours , beginning to get worried so if the baby 's difficult to wake if it 's difficult to feed not sucking very well if the baby 's cold to touch and then there 's something which is very , very misleading , these babies can have bright red cheeks and bright red hands and feet and if you look at them you think oh they must be warm because they 're red
5 We rely on collections and donations and when we go round again people may say they have already given .
6 The other exciting thing was the leeches er because the monsoon had n't finished there were lots of leeches around , and I 'd imagined these huge things that were going to suck me to death , but they 're actually little , like , just very very tiny little worms , about erm an inch long and very thin and what they do is they sit on leaves and things and as you walk by they get flicked on to your boots or your socks and then they wiggle their way in and they , you ca n't feel them there , but what they do is they suck your blood until they explode
7 She came to share many of his interests and tastes and as she grew up she became something of a. companion to him .
8 We try to set ourselves specific aims and objectives and when it comes to marking scripts , for example , we have a quite specific mark scheme which has been very carefully thrased out , not only with examiners , but with certain school teachers , which we try to make tie this down as be as objective as we can , but there 's always and element of subjectivity .
9 Many feel that The Photographers ' Gallery has a somewhat lopsided view of contemporary photography and photographers and that it preaches to the already converted and them alone .
10 I 've also instructed the secretary of Great Grimsby C L P to write to the Education Authority , to get us into schools and colleges and when we received a reply from the Education Authority , to my dismay , they did n't know anything about it .
11 It is equally important , however , that children understand mathematical concepts and processes and that they see some purpose in learning the subject .
12 Bowler hat , little moustache and spats and when you came through the shed , my God , nobody slacked cos he had eyes everywhere and the Traffic Superintendent was , he was directly responsible to him erm then erm retired and erm then retired during the war and they had another fella come in from he came from away .
13 There 's lads of real trouble there , but there was lads you know young lads with kids and mortgages and and we had er he I 'm sixty all your worries are over are n't they .
14 There are regular canal pubs and boatyards and if you moor up near a town you will usually find yourself half a mile to a mile from the town centre .
15 The vole had eaten seeds and nuts and because it sensed the long winter to come it had eaten a little of everything : acorns , hazels , haws , hips , sweet catkins , sour apples , sharp sloes , soft blackberries .
16 The Society will also run tours to the Holy Land this year with Rev Derek Prime and others and if you wish to have details please drop a line to the office or telephone 031 313 3828 .
17 Each night he would be more red-eyed , hardly able to drag his feet with tiredness , his face caked white with lime , lime in his eyes and ears and nostrils , his throat dry , lime thick through his hair and clothes and when he sat down to the table he felt as if he were eating lime .
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