Example sentences of "and [noun pl] [prep] [noun] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 involvement in outside interests and activities at university and elsewhere ;
2 You can do this through the many Hall and Department associations , through clubs and groups at home and abroad .
3 Discussion on the nature and forms of democracy and how it could be introduced into China was revived .
4 ‘ Let's hope so , ’ she said , and told them that her parents were furious because Josh , her grandmother 's lodger , had left all his money and possessions to Kate and not even mentioned her grandmother who had looked after him for years .
5 Perhaps I should just say a word about that that operation since you 've raised it , because it is one type of job that we do , that is taking part in a rather large group , in this case sponsored by the Commonwealth Secretariat at the request of the government of Uganda after the fall of erm of Amin , to assess the rehabilitation needs of the country and to suggest what policies should be priority policies for their point of view and what contribution could be made by other countries through aid and erm other ways of technical assistance and fellowships for training and so forth , to help in this rehabilitation .
6 certainly do n't think where we going is suitable for a puddy tat , hours and hours on end and not being allowed to go outside and even when we 're there , I say , we ca n't be running up and down them bloody staircases letting cats out , I could n't , I could n't bear the thought of it never going out .
7 There is no clear dividing line between two-word compounds and pairs of words that simply happen to occur together quite frequently .
8 What , more than anything else , distinguished towns of all sizes was a narrow £3 — £9 band which , with a relatively high proportion of assessments upwards of £10 , left something of a gap between , on the one hand , the upper tradesmen , and , on the other , artificers and labourers at 40s. or less ; the big £3 — £4 group at Bury suggests nonetheless either a strong contingent of master craftsmen or unusually well-to-do workmen .
9 If the Earth is indeed a living being , it was argued , then It may possess a subtle body corresponding to the human aura , with chakras and flows of energy as well .
10 This major display of maps and related map-making equipment not only aroused considerable public interest during the three months the exhibition was open , but also generated new links with individuals and institutions in Scotland and elsewhere .
11 There remains a duty to ensure that there are sufficient schools appropriate to the needs , abilities and aptitudes of children as well as securing adequate provision for further education .
12 This is all I can tell you about the rapid modification process ; it has the effect of diminishing the prominence of events and combinations of events that normally occur together , giving prominence to new associations .
13 While temples built in the later eighteenth century may have stood in a naturalistic landscape inspired by the paintings of Claude , earlier garden buildings almost certainly stood in more formal settings , and fragments of avenues or long overgrown yew and beech hedges may remain .
14 Mrs Rhoda Jarman , Mrs Florence Beaumond and others brought old photos and mementos of Lydham and More , and there was great interest in the Railway items .
15 Alan got a message for you all the stewards and secretaries within Pilkingtons and also the A E U , M S F and the T & G thanks very much for the initiative you 've in getting us all together and the initiative you 've took in getting us part of the European set-up company Pilkingtons , at this present time are very negative .
16 The Rawtenstall store is the first of the supermarket chain 's English stores to get Cashline , and to celebrate the occasion staff from the town 's branch handed out carrier bags and keyrings to shoppers as well as answering account enquiries .
17 He convinced VIPS , politicians and businessmen at home and abroad that he was an eminent doctor .
18 It was noted that there may be variations and tensions within disciplines as well as between them .
19 A little like the French Canoë Kayak magazine in style , it features a range of activities , particularly sprint and marathon , and an interest in teams and associations at home and abroad .
20 Every three months additional biochemical and virological measurements including the prothrombin time and the levels of alanine aminotransferase , albumin , bilirubin , HBsAg , and antibodies against HBsAg as well as HBeAg were performed .
21 One of the main gains from the GIST project has been the clarification of what is meant by a ‘ girl friendly ’ , science , that is a science which will appeal equally to the interests and concerns of girls as well as boys . [ … ]
22 Arts and Crafts in style and equally suited to today 's modern interiors , this rug was designed as a tribute to Charles Rennie Mackintosh .
23 From this the person is expected to identify strengths and weaknesses in performance and then put forward proposals for change .
24 The techniques of field work in local history and geography , the techniques of using books , reference guides and libraries , the ability to " read " pictures and to assess critically film and television material , as well as to use creatively the various facilities and pieces of equipment that now exist , are valuable facets of the educated individual , and each type of activity offers a possible key to individual confidence and interest in learning .
25 This will reportedly allow FAX clients and servers to run on different architectures and versions of Unix and still work together .
26 Her other current projects include featured soloist on Manfred Mann 's latest album Plains Music , composing a new work for three saxophones and a chamber orchestra and concerts and workshops in Britain and abroad .
27 The search is on for value for money , real or perceived , and food producers , processors and retailers at home and abroad are all after a share of your food pound .
28 I felt that it was too easy for what were essentially white women 's publishers culling some short stories and poems from Blackwomen and then hailing the fact that they had published x-dozen Blackwomen writers .
29 This question again relates to the needs and abilities of users as well as the aims and objectives of the curriculum .
30 An account he submitted for payment covering the period 9 December 1541 to 12 June 1543 ( Arber II.50–60 ) is admirably detailed , concerning not only quantities and costs of proclamations but also special purchases of books for the king , with the style and price of binding .
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