Example sentences of "and [adj] [noun pl] is that the " in BNC.

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1 Moreover it has been suggested earlier that one important issue for social policy that arises in relationship between public authorities and private agencies is that the latter may be the instruments by which government executes policy .
2 For immediate purposes what is important about this and similar procedures is that the theoretical generalisation is induced from systematically gathered data .
3 The characteristic of both informational and investigative enquiries is that the results are advisory and may be accepted or rejected by the minister , though they will be used as part of the process of ministerial decision making .
4 The distinction between adjudicatory and regulatory tribunals is that the former are making a binding decision following a reference by a person aggrieved by a decision which has already been made , whereas the latter are directly applying a system of government regulation rather than supervising or reviewing the proper application of the system of government regulation .
5 A rear drag is featured and one of the good and important points is that the on/off anti-reverse is easy to reach and operate when fishing fast water .
6 The distinction between complex subjects and multi-word terms is that the former contain more than one unit concept .
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