Example sentences of "and [adj] [adj] [noun] [coord] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It can develop in areas of moderate to high rainfall , low mean annual temperatures and high relative humidity and under the influence of ground-water in depressions or basins .
2 Mr John Quinton , chairman of the Committee of London and Scottish Clearing Banks and of Barclays , told Mr MacGregor yesterday that all clearing banks had decided to withdraw from the scheme .
3 A traditional sauce for hot and cold roast beef and for all kinds of smoked fish .
4 The concierge doffed his hat to her as she crossed the black and white tiled foyer and after smiling at him she unlocked the door of her small flat and entered directly into the sparsely furnished lounge .
5 Until the advent of man in physical geography it could be argued that physical geographers had escaped from the effects of human activity by concentrating their endeavours upon rural and unmodified spatial areas and upon time scales prior to the time when human activity began to exercise a significant influence .
6 Two of these patients had positive cytology , in one at both endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography and in the other at percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography alone .
7 Those interested in postgraduate and continuing medical education and in the best use of all qualified medical practitioners should be concerned at these developments .
8 The drawing room has an open fire and heavy arched doors and on chilly afternoons your hosts will light the fire and offer you complimentary tea and crumpets .
9 This might now be more applicable to areas like southern Italy , where massive state intervention since the 1950s has resulted in a patchy , vulnerable and fragile industrial growth and in considerable changes in the political culture of the region , than it is to Scotland , the Basque Country or Northern Ireland , where , as Tom Nairn observed in the 1970s , the peripheral regions have relatively industrialised , middle-class cultures .
10 The adherent properties and hydrophobicity of Escherichia coli isolates have been compared from the rectal mucosa of patients with active and inactive ulcerative colitis and from a control patient group .
11 The City Code applies to listed and unlisted public companies and to the following classes of private company :
12 The duties of the professor are , in summary , to pursue original research in the archaeology and art of Rome and its empire ; to give in each academic year at least 36 lectures and classes ; to promote the study of Roman Art and Archaeology at undergraduate level both in the Honour School of Literae Humaniores and related joint schools and in the new Honour School of Archaeology and Anthropology ; to play a leading part in the guidance , supervision , encouragement and examination of graduate students ; and also , when requested to take part in undergraduate examinations .
13 The Nationalrat on Feb. 28 , 1990 , approved an amendment to the electoral law , with effect from March 17 , to give Austrians living permanently or temporarily abroad the right to vote in Nationalrat and federal presidential elections and in referendums in their home country .
14 These changes have created conflicts and tensions such as between old and new technological trajectories and between national autonomy and international co-operation .
15 We compared the incidence of and mortality from cancer in patients of the Glasgow Blood Pressure Clinic taking atenolol and other hypotensive drugs and in two control populations .
16 The sources of deposits range from banks lending their own surpluses , to large firms and other financial institutions and to institutions arranging deposits for overseas depositors .
17 Such thoughts do not immediately exercise the minds of farmers , but they are becoming concerned by the rises in the price of fertilizer and other oil-based inputs and by their own powerlessness in the face of ‘ agribusiness ’ corporations , which was referred to in Chapter 3 .
18 It allows collaboration between teachers in schools and other educational institutions and with local advisory staff .
19 Large-scale industries in pre-railway days needed canal-side sites both for bringing in their coal and other raw materials and for taking away their heavy products .
20 This asks whether a child 's identity is influenced by nature — through hormone levels and other biological aspects or by nurturing — through socialisation and the way a child is treated by its parents and other influential people .
21 During 1943–87 age specific trends increased in young and middle aged men and in all age groups among women .
22 Formal and informal instruction in a range of options ( literary , linguistic and historical ) in Medieval and Modern Celtic Studies and in Scottish Gaelic Studies .
23 The degenerate octamer-TAATGANAT oligonucleotides A and C differ only at position 11 ( see Fig. 4A ) and compete equally well for binding to the labelled ICP4 sequence as the completely homologous TAATGARAT sequence B. The Ad2 degenerate octamer-TAATGAR motif oligonucleotide A , which contains the first four bases of the octamer fused to a perfect TAATGARAT motif , seems to be a stronger competitor than oligonucleotides B and C. In summary , the results displayed in Fig. 4B and C clearly show that the POU domain of pou[c] binds with high affinity to the TAATGARAT and degenerate octamer-TAATGAR motifs and with very low affinity ( only detectable after overexposure of GMSA signals ) to the canonical octamer motif .
24 He had relatively restricted resources : tunes drawn from rural and urban proletarian traditions and from new bourgeois sources ; text-methods , turns-of-phrase and verse forms derived from drawing-room , popular theatre , broadside and working-class entertainment .
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