Example sentences of "and [art] [noun sg] in a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The fact that one in five of the complaints were held to be breaches of the code shows that the tobacco companies have perhaps been treating the committee and the issue in a cavalier way .
2 So you 're interested in , for example , teaching of subjects such as history or mathematics in schools and the evaluation in a total sense of this ?
3 It is estimated that every year more than 200 billion tonnes of carbon are exchanged between the atmosphere , living things and the ocean in a natural cycle .
4 Each department of the shop , millinery , haberdashery , coats , children 's clothes , and so on , had its own assistant behind the counter , and above his head was the contraption consisting of springs and wires by means of which , by pulling down a handle , he could send money and the bill in a cylindrical metal container hurtling at speed towards the cashier .
5 However , if one tries to envelop the noun phrase and the adjective in a single question , then , on the one hand , the result will usually or always be grammatical , because the verbs occurring in this construction can of course stand as ordinary transitive verbs , but , on the other , the question form will naturally be taken as related to the ordinary transitive verb with a simple noun phrase object — with a corresponding alteration in the meaning expressed ; ( 23 ) is an attempt to put such a question : ( 23 ) his sister set the owl free what did his sister set ? to which suitable answers could include the mousetrap or the first four questions .
6 In football , rugby , or cricket the ability to stop the frame at the crucial moment or play-back a sequence , which has come recently with the development of video , has actually placed the viewer and the commentator in a better position to make a decision than the unfortunate referee or umpire .
7 Cook the cauliflower and the broccoli in a large pan of boiling salted water for about 5 minutes or until just tender-crisp .
8 Is the lessee then in a stronger position and the lessor in a weaker position ?
9 Having defined his subject , the author goes on to consider the relationship between caring professions and the state in a useful discussion of the varying positions of authors whose analysis derives from a neo-Marxist or neo-Weberian concept of the economic and political structure of society .
10 Place the potatoes , apples , sugar , one teaspoon of salt and the vinegar in a large pan and just cover with water .
11 They planted the first device in a West End store packed with Christmas shoppers and the second in a nearby square where the evacuees were expected to gather .
12 STRATHCLYDE councillors yesterday ran the gauntlet of 3,000 angry local government workers protesting at budget cuts and the stalemate in a three-month-long pay dispute in the region 's finance department .
13 The offer was rejected but behind it lay the assumption that a new relationship will have to develop between north and the south in a wider European context .
14 Two patrols are out , one on motorcycles and the other in a standard duty van .
15 In a review of physical geography Marcus ( 1979 ) has noted that in addition to maintaining some contact with human geography , ‘ most physical geographers today keep one foot in the AAG and the other in a cognate scientific society .
16 Thus the interactions were all things which did not clearly put one of the protagonists in an agent position and the other in a patient position .
17 They will treat the mining industry and the country in a responsible way and will maintain reserves of fuel which the country so badly needs in the medium and long term .
18 He wished its effect to be that of edging his audience and the nation in a particular direction .
19 Here and there a creeper-covered country house with a pitched roof which the French dignified with the name of ‘ château ’ , here and there a little town with broad tree-lined avenues , the inevitable ‘ Place Napoléon ’ , and the lycée in a prime position .
20 Mina is carrying the wheat flour in a bronze plate and the oil in a smaller bronze bowl bedded inside it .
21 It raged well before Israel acquired Judaea , Samaria , Gaza and the Golan in a defensive war . "
22 It came from where memory is young and the power in a young eagle 's flight is great and can never fade .
23 McLeish found himself on the verge of suggesting that a thoroughly unpleasant time in a New York jail might succeed in curing Tristram where all other methods , including exhortation , loving family support and a spell in a comfortable private hospital in Devon , had failed .
24 They have one room and a kitchen in a large house , and share bathroom facilities .
25 And really , it is surprising that a company such as Gay Sweatshop still finds a need to have a dyke in a dress suit and a queen in a fluffy frock bitching over a Judy Garland album .
26 The door at the far end opened and a girl in a similar serving-wench dress but of silk and with a richly embroidered apron came in carrying a small cardboard box .
27 A young man in an Acker Bilk ensemble lurked in the doorway and a girl in a red satin skirt and a chocolate soldier cap twirled a baton and stamped her feet .
28 ‘ A boy and a girl in a little canoe , ’ Mandy sang happily .
29 An author of over 1,200 published opinions , Brennan was known as a strong opponent of the death penalty , a proponent of minority and women 's rights , and a believer in a broad interpretation of the Constitution .
30 I have about a pound and a half in a gigantic envelope …
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