Example sentences of "and [modal v] be [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is natural for a person who has been working towards a survey for several months to overlook the fact that the respondent has never heard of this wonderful enquiry and may be utterly baffled by it ; but in this lies a great danger of asking poor questions , insufficiently considered from the respondents ' viewpoint .
2 Bargaining is synonymous with trading or dealing and may be briefly defined as participation in mutually beneficial transactions .
3 Practice does not take place in a vacuum , and may be implicitly based on contingent theories which allow few across-the-board answers or approaches .
4 Persuasion , appeals to the affections or ties of kindred , to a sentiment of gratitude for past services , or pity for future destitution , or the like , — these are all legitimate , and may be fairly pressed on a testator .
5 The increased proliferation and the significant upwards trend of the proliferating cells towards the apex of the crypt , seen in patients with adenomatous polyps , is a product of the increased S-phase duration of the pre-malignant cells and may be specifically related to cancer .
6 These ‘ gorses ’ filled up the odd corners of parishes , and may be quickly spotted on the Ordnance map .
7 The suspect must appear and may be legally represented at the various hearings before the magistrates , though the utility of this safeguard is reduced by the breadth of the statutory language justifying continued incarceration .
8 The problem with the second version , however , is that because collaboration appears to be spontaneous and may be far removed in space and time from the groundwork which the teacher has laid , the relationship between the two can never be directly established , but only inferred .
9 The pragmatist is more flexible , recognising that exceptions do arise and must be practically catered for .
10 It goes without saying that old birds can , equally , be used for potting , but they are much less delicate , need very long slow and thorough cooking , a larger proportion of fat ham ( or pickled pork but not smoked bacon ) , and must be carefully drained of their cooking juices before they are prepared for chopping and pounding , otherwise sediment seeps through , collects at the bottom of the little jars and causes mould .
11 They vary greatly in length , scope , selectivity and reliability , and must be carefully evaluated in relation to the stock revision in progress .
12 Hume argued that all our knowledge of facts ( as opposed to what he called ‘ relations of ideas ’ , as he termed the necessary , ideal truths of , for example , mathematics ) is drawn from experience and must be firmly based upon it .
13 So important is it to wintering wildfowl , that it is included on the International List of Wetlands of the RAMSAR Convention and must be especially safeguarded against threats of reclamation for farmland and industry , and against over-shooting by wildfowlers .
14 An external door to the main bar does exist and should be clearly indicated with external signs and menu boards .
15 In turn , this implied that deviants should exhibit a ‘ gap ’ between their conventional aspirations and expectations , and should be clearly differentiated from non-deviants by their adherence to oppositional values ( neither of which turned out to be the case ) .
16 Among these conditions are that the skip must be fitted with vertical red and yellow fluorescent/ reflective markings and should be clearly marked with the owner 's ( not the hirer 's ) name and telephone number or address .
17 They are normally made of cellulose or a cellulose derivative and should be slowly conditioned from the storage liquid to the solvent in use .
18 The latter does not offer a route to the former , and should be strenuously opposed as a mere manipulatory gambit on the part of ‘ capital ’ .
19 All horses are likely to suffer from internal parasites or ‘ worms ’ and should be regularly treated for them .
20 They represent , in Russell 's colourful phrase , the realm of " logical fictions " , and while the life as we know it obviously would be inconceivable without great many of such " fictions " ( they include , among other things , all the spatio-temporal objects of our everyday experience ) , there are a large number of others which are neither very useful nor indispensable and should be carefully guarded against if we are not to end up with an ontology crowded with all sorts of phoney entities .
21 But she said : ‘ As with many weeds , fat-hen should be consumed in moderation , and should be carefully identified before eating . ’
22 The precise value of x in any year should be announced well in advance in , say , a five-year plan , and should be strictly adhered to .
23 However , the reception office is very much a functional working area and should be well planned with work centres focused around the major equipment used , and located so that communication and liaison with the other sections is easy , simple and efficient .
24 All language teachers should be encouraged to teach about the nature of language and should be explicitly trained in methods of doing this and co-operating with other teachers in so doing .
25 All language teachers should be encouraged to teach about the nature of language , and should be explicitly trained in methods of doing this and co-operating with other teachers in so doing .
26 Nasal oxygen supplementation significantly reduces this problem and should be routinely used in patients over the age of 60 undergoing ERCP as this reduces the sedation risks of the procedure .
27 The fact that the pool should be level from the outset and should be constantly checked during backfilling can not be overemphasized , for a pool that is out of level leads to flooding in some places and unsightly exposure of the fibreglass in others .
28 Partnership It should rival the best of European cities and should be famously celebrated in Britain as an example of what can be achieved when resources and the expertise to implement solutions to environmental problems are combined with civic will . ’
29 But the momentum of reducing waits of over two years does not seem to have been sustained beyond the election and might be partially offset by a rise in waits of between one and two years .
30 The timber lid is in two parts and could be easily made from a few lengths of timber stained or painted to match the surroundings .
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