Example sentences of "and [conj] he had [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The wife stated that she had succumbed to undue pressure from her husband to sign the documents and that he had misrepresented their effect , in that she had believed that the security was limited to £60,000 and would last for only three weeks .
2 Frank claimed that he had not known that Gobie was running a prostitution service from Frank 's apartment on Capitol Hill and that he had dismissed him upon learning of it .
3 It was only when the colours gave way to plain gold before subsiding into diminishing fountains of silver that she realised she had moved closer to Rune , seeking instinctive protection against the sharp noise of the exploding rockets and that he had gathered her to his strong male body , pinning her to his side by the power of his arm , his hand firmly pressed against her waist .
4 Contemporary reaction to this magnificent poem is typified by a critic in The Monthly Review in 1763 who thought he knew that Smart was forbidden the use of writing materials in the asylum and that he had written it ‘ with the end of a key , upon the wainscot ’ .
5 We called at the cottage at night , and found he was very ill , and it was not till the factor assured him he was joking , and that he had swallowed none other than the best of whiskey , that he rose from bed , and Donald was himself again .
6 Thus , for example , when meeting the TUC General Council in January 1942 he warned that he could not put money towards the elderly ‘ at the cost of the children ’ and that he had to give them ‘ fair treatment without ruining the country ’ .
7 It was all very well to remind herself that she and William were individuals who gloried in their independence , and that he had said nothing about getting in touch or when he would be back .
8 I had to keep reminding myself that the plans we 'd had were n't just a dream and that he had loved me .
9 She claimed she and the murdered girl had been drinking with the old man , and that he had killed her friend , but the old man was acquitted and McLachlan was sentenced to hang .
10 What had really confused everyone was the fact that Kemp always carried a hip-flask of brandy in the car 's glove compartment , and that he had given his wife — trapped by the legs beside him — several sips from this flask before the ambulance arrived ; and had even drunk from it himself !
11 In those early months he had wanted her to know the magnitude of what he had done and that he had done it for her .
12 It never occurred to him that the story was questionable , that Wainfleet had deliberately published something he did not totally believe and that he had done it in retaliation for being humiliated .
13 It was very hard indeed to believe she had walked in there with a wolf creature and that he had drawn her down onto the forest floor and made love to her …
14 When I entered , the servants told me that Mr Rochester had arrived , and that he had hurt his leg when his horse slipped on ice on the road to Hay .
15 Her mother had once remarked that it was her opinion that Harry had actually caused Nathan 's idiocy in a fit of temper soon after he was born , and through whispered gossip over the years she had guessed that Tristram had become the focus of conflict between his parents and that he had found it increasingly necessary to defend both Nathan and his mother against his father 's violent outbursts of temper .
16 I felt that George was tired of Lennie 's stupidness but he knew that Lennie could n't help it and that he had to withstand it .
17 One night , long after the senator had chartered Wavebreaker , I had defended him to Ellen , saying that it was not Crowninshield 's fault that he had been born to wealthy parents , and that he had used his wealth well .
18 But they told their grand father that they had seen the god , and that he had taken them to the mountain-top .
19 Edward could not be typical of his friends , but I remembered that Clive had called him a friend to verse , and that he had read my work .
20 They still had more right than she did to own anything her father had left , but she desperately wanted something , something to be able to look at , something to let her know that he really had existed and that he had needed her after all .
21 I was told that the manager had gone to lunch , and when I asked for him to be bleeped I was told again that he had gone to lunch and that he had left his bleep at the switchboard — all in a tone that suggested that this was standard behaviour .
22 And although he had promised they would return to the seaside house , somehow they never had .
23 If there was one thing sure about it , it was that Isambard had abated nothing of his purpose , and if he had halted his experiment in terrorisation short of the act , it was not from any impulse of pity , but the result of a calculated probability that these methods would not get him what he wanted .
24 And if he had felt them , might have done something about them .
25 ‘ Miers could not take the German prisoners on board his sub , and if he had left them to paddle ashore they would immediately have gone back into the German forces …
26 The governor had moved his guests back from the illuminated pedestal to show the line and glazing of the Ming vase to its best advantage , and because he had turned his head in their direction to explain a point , he did n't see the gibbon streak across the marble floor on all fours .
27 He seemed full of beans though , and after he had given me a rundown on the life cycle of the polyp , three nurses wheeled me across the corridor and into another room .
28 The Colonel had no need to pressure him to return again to Baghdad after his mission was completed , and after he had visited his mother who was dying .
29 Everyone deferred to him in the casting of lots , and after he had tossed his white counter into the bowl which was placed in the centre of the chamber there was a wild scramble for precedence .
30 ‘ KISS ’ IS the record that made Prince unnecessary ; it contains everything that is great about him and after he had released it , he could quite easily have gone to live on the Moon and he would not have been missed .
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