Example sentences of "and [conj] i have [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I told him that I 'd seen her in the company of a minder I did n't like the look of and that I 'd followed them to Woolwich .
2 I suddenly realised that there were all these great black players around in Louisiana , and that I 'd missed them completely !
3 As soon as you deigned to tell me that the Svend you were looking for was a student , and that he 'd used my home as a hotel , I recalled that my nephew spent a night here shortly after I moved in so that he could attend a lecture at the city university , and that I 'd entrusted him with a spare key so he could come and go as he pleased . ’
4 And although I had disappointed her by going into ‘ trade ’ , I was still the son of the house .
5 It is survival of the fittest out there and if I had to do it again I believe I would .
6 And if I had told you the truth , Neil , that day when Jem Higgins knocked me senseless , what would you have done then ?
7 And if I had to play them today , I 'd have to get off in a room with a record player , probably for a couple of hours and learn them . ’
8 And if I had nicked it , do you really think I 'd be here ? ’
9 And if I 'd known you were here I would never — ’
10 And if I 'd known he was going to turn out a stupid and objectionable youth I 'd never have employed the foolish boy .
11 Er and and I 've found it very useful in t term
12 And because I 've met you , Mr Rochester , and I ca n't bear never to see you again .
13 I sometimes wondered whether she had been angry with the infant Margaret and whether I had feared her always .
14 It was old Mr. Stavanger who paid for me to have a good secretarial course , and when I 'd qualified he gave me a job in the shipping office .
15 ‘ As I told you , I spent some time writing letters and when I 'd finished I thought it would be pleasant to get some fresh air so I went out and posted them — in the box outside the main post office — ’
16 I invented him , Buffy , and when I 'd got him , the book started working .
17 This animal had begun to grunt and go off her milk two days ago and when I had seen her yesterday I had flirted from one possibility to the other .
18 While I was speaking , Miss J. looked out of the window in a sarcastic manner and when I had finished she said ‘ thank you ’ very politely but with rather a sneering look .
19 And as I had told you before on the previous er chat we had , how my father took over er when when I was two years old we moved up .
20 So in conclusion adoption of the M R C follow up follow up policy would have resulted in targeting of cystoscopic follow up to higher risk group patients , a two percent increase in the cystoscopic resources required and delayed diagnosis of tumour progression in one patient , and as I 've said I I think that G three P T one tumours should be excluded from er this type of protocol .
21 Modern attempts to classify political regimes have begun for the most part from some general theory of society , and as I have indicated they were strongly influenced at the outset ( and again in recent decades ) by conceptions of social evolution or development .
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