Example sentences of "and [conj] there [vb mod] [be] a " in BNC.

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1 The implications are therefore that , where bilingual pupils need extra help , this should be given in the classroom as part of normal lessons and that there may be a need for bilingual teaching support and for books and other written material to be available in the pupils ’ mother tongues until such time as they are competent in English .
2 ‘ When Peter invited me to the club I knew that Dusty was retiring and that there would be a place up for grabs .
3 Reports were now reaching the SD that people — especially those attached to the Churches — were expressing the hope that the Wehrmacht would take over running the State , and that there would be a final victory for Germany but not for National Socialism .
4 For example the 1989 Report expressed the hope that there would be regional as well as national programming , that committees would be covered , and that there would be a significant amount of live broadcasting .
5 ‘ They used real Armageddon talk , and warned that the Prime Minister would be brought down and that there would be a General Election if the Government lost the vote .
6 However , de Gaulle , whose knowledge of economic affairs was limited , was persuaded by other ministers that the French people were unprepared for the burdens of an austerity programme and that there would be a natural , if gradual , improvement in post-war conditions without Mendès-France 's measures .
7 Further and highly satisfactory was an agreement that , having already released 23 detainees since the end of March 1971 , the Rhodesian government would state their intention to release a further 31 detainees out of 93 as soon as the necessary arrangements could be made and that there would be a new special review of the cases of all detainees .
8 He felt that the investment needed was not particularly high compared to other activities , and that there would be a good chance of staffing such a unit on a small scale .
9 impressed upon the Prime Minister that the country had to be saved and that there should be a combination of all decent minded politicians towards this end .
10 Sir Anthony says : ‘ The paper concluded that the applications for membership could not be supported and that there should be a full inquiry ihnto the takeover activities and share dealings of James Ferguson and its related companies and connections , including the Barlow Clowes Group . ’
11 The Slovenes , therefore , proposed that the existing foreign exchange allocation system should be abandoned , and that there should be a return to the previous system of retention ratios .
12 We have argued that such institutions should be public ( though not ruling out the possibility of a role , even an important role , for private actions , as an additional deterrent to abuses of market power ) ; that there should be a single investigating institution with powers to identify and to investigate cases , and to propose remedies , within a clearly stated framework of rules and guidelines ; that firms should be given an opportunity to make representations as to why the competition policy presumptions should not apply in a particular case ; and that there should be a competition tribunal with the task of reviewing and monitoring the recommendations of the competition policy institution .
13 He said that the Scottish transport scheme should be wound up and that there should be a transitional period to ensure continuity of pension provision and that employees are to be allowed to remain in TOPS for a limited period .
14 A minority of three recommended that all equity shareholders should have a right to attend and speak at meetings and that there should be a prohibition on the listing of non-voting or restricted-voting equity shares .
15 In order to achieve such a streamlined system , the Review also recommended that there should be a single costs regime for High Court and county court cases , subject to an exception for county court cases below £3,000 , that trial facilities should be improved at county courts , that remedies in county courts and the High Court should be harmonised , and that there should be a common core of procedural rules .
16 It made a number of recommendations for a more disciplined and concerted pre-trial regime , suggesting that a defendant should be given credit for a guilty plea , particularly where there is saving of public expenditure and time , and that there should be a more vigorous policy on credit for pleas of guilty either by way of reduction of length of custodial sentence or the passing of some alternative to custody .
17 We also propose that health authorities and provider units should report on their plans and achievements and that there should be a new national database on contractors for major services .
18 In that document , there is a very strong reference to the fact that that power should be either restrictive or removed and that there should be a right of appeal against it , which would effectively prevent us from using it .
19 Er perhaps more importantly , i it would n't meet the advice of P P G four that provision should be realistic er a realistic reflection of the needs of business er and that there should be a range in choice of sites to meet
20 It took place quite a long time ago , it is known as the cessation of the plebs there were two occasions on which the workers of of Ancient Rome and withdrew from the city and their t the terms on which as as far as I recollect the terms of their return where that somebody should write down the law in comprehensible terms and that there should be a special officer , a tribune appointed who could if necessary explain what the law was to them .
21 But there 's a small group of farmers who say the reforms do n't go far enough , and that there should be a complete rethink of the way we farm our countryside .
22 The Government 's own paper on the future of broadcasting acknowledged that ‘ the special needs of individual countries ’ should be recognised and that there should be a ‘ guarantee of national culture and national debate . ’
23 Anyone who thinks that there must be , and that there must be a process of encoding a thought into a form of words , says so in spite of , and not because of , his experience of what it is to say things .
24 I am sure that all would agree that it is nonsense and that there must be a simpler way .
25 The most likely result is that neither of these options will prevail and that there will be a kind of fudge .
26 It is hoped that aromatherapy will benefit from this in two ways : that the purity of an oil can be guaranteed and that there will be a greater choice of organic oils more widely available .
27 Prayer here could be that the Christians would be strengthened in their witness through the Wimber meetings and that there will be a strong witness to Germany from the March .
28 I remind hon. Members that we have a debate tomorrow on this subject and that there will be a public expenditure debate later .
29 My personal hope is that we shall move away from a formalised dichotonomy of university and non-university institutions , and that there will be a less obvious division : two groups of educational organisations with parity of esteem in the public mind .
30 It 's obviously in the Treasury 's mind and that there will be a factor that is taken into consideration when they do their , er arithmetic er , er about the economy and in the run up to the budget if we can look that far ahead .
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