Example sentences of "and [conj] [pers pn] [modal v] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It would have given us a base at least to operate from , a place where we could be contacted , and where we might even meet some of our fellow producers .
2 Are the people too blind to see that the Dublin government is telling us where we can and where we can not parade , where we can and where we can not fly the Ulster flag and that a foreign flag can fly on our soil ?
3 Are the people too blind to see that the Dublin government is telling us where we can and where we can not parade , where we can and where we can not fly the Ulster flag and that a foreign flag can fly on our soil ?
4 I would like to trace that film , but I do n't know where it is and where we could now see it .
5 This enables you to decide where your strengths lie and where you would ultimately like to work .
6 You do n't want to get caught , you 'll work in a secluded place , you 'll go for a place that 's got hedges around it and where you ca n't see the door .
7 If I could get a home where my kids could grow up with daily fear and where I could also help my father , I could push this hell out of my mind and start afresh with my family .
8 So , we think for a little while ahead you should go to a school where you 'll be looked after ; I mean , where you can sleep , and where he wo n't get at you . ’
9 Sloane introduced her to Isaac Rand , the Demonstrator of Plants at the Physic Garden , who advised her to live near it where she would find the plants needed and where she would certainly have met Miller and Ehret .
10 I had already explained to Maxine that discovering the reason for the phobia would not in itself be a cure , and that we would still have to work together to overcome it .
11 ‘ The golden rule of conduct , therefore , is mutual toleration seeing that we will never all think alike and that we shall always see Truth in fragment ( sic ) and from different angles of vision ’ .
12 And that we should n't know !
13 It is important that we should evolve out of this recession and out of rising unemployment and that we should not create a false boom by lowering interest rates too quickly or by Government over-borrowing .
14 Some recent interpretations of Greek history , and of the Greek historians ' versions of it , have suggested that there was , in fact , a gap between such ideals and the actual practice and that we should not take their own statements too literally .
15 I learned then that we were but few , while the white men were many , and that we could not hold our own with them .
16 Well they might be a friendly , oh I do n't really know but er he 's so busy you see and he 's busy all kinds of day and night , now then , we asked him a while ago to be more careful when he was switching on the freezer units at night because they were waking people up , we asked him er a while ago if he 'd be more careful learning up at six o'clock in the morning because the chain and that we could n't sleep in the morning like , and all disturbing us all like that
17 I appreciate that one must approach the matter with considerable caution , and that we can not go at it in a bull-at-a-gate fashion .
18 If that is the case that each of the political parties , as I assume is the case for er the Conservative party , I know it to be the case of the Labour party I assume the same is true for the Liberal Democrats and other parties represented in this house , that they undertake the very considerable organisational er er process of selecting candidates only to find a few weeks before June the ninth , that as a result of the difficulties that I 've described as far as the French government attitude towards these elections is concerned , that er in fact we have to revert to the existing arrangements and that we can not have these new er boundaries in place .
19 I occasionally wonder whether anyone in Brussels listens to what is said in the House , but my right hon. Friends have made it clear that Britain can not accept any defence arrangement that would weaken NATO or the Atlantic alliance , and that we can not accept any declaration of intent or prior commitment to a single currency .
20 Yeah jointly insured for major contingencies and potential legal liabilities , the recent re review however has highlighted that we can only insure our own legal liabilities and that we can not insure or assume responsibility for your prudential legal liabilities
21 I 'm very confident that if er we have er the best first class facilities and that we can actually attract er new supporters , we can attract their families and we can actually look after er children , we can look after anybody er that wants to either come to the game er with their family or friends .
22 Because I think that they and that we can only say the same again next year when our own , everything goes up and , I think it 's very sad that the church ca n't !
23 We face Labour 's jibe that the Government holds all our revenue and that we can only save 20 per cent from our house sales . ’
24 He 's done all the work at the scene — all anyone can do — and then he has to cool his heels with the rest of us , waiting for God 's gift to forensic pathology to come screaming up with a police escort and break the news to us that what we all thought was a corpse is — surprise , surprise indeed a corpse , and that we can safely move the body . "
25 We live in a historical period ; written records are kept and we tend to assume that our records are correct and that we can accurately reconstruct the events of the past .
26 Here , however , Colin is using modern physics to support Christianity , on the basis that science can not provide certain knowledge , and that we must therefore look elsewhere for certainty .
27 The director is visibly disappointed when I explain that we will start with the basics and that we will not spend the whole budget on a new x ray machine .
28 Joan said : ‘ I want people to know that Brian has never been forgotten and that we will never give up hope that his murderer will be found . ’
29 I understand that they got 36.5 per cent of the total shareholding in the end , but Purchase and Szell say that they 'll be unloading some of those and that they 'll probably end up with about 20 per cent .
30 Most people have absorbed the idea that there is some sort of accountability at the end of life and that they may well need to be preparing to ‘ meet their maker ’ .
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