Example sentences of "and [conj] [pron] be to be " in BNC.

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1 The contents of the Church of Scotland ceremony and where it is to be held is entirely at the discretion of the minister .
2 And , of course , who it is for and where it is to be sent back to — facts which often seem to be forgotten .
3 It must be stated clearly for whom the grammar is written , and where it is to be used .
4 I realised at the beginning of 1992 that we were not core and that we were to be disposed of — we had a very difficult year . ’
5 As these teachers realized they were not to get the major posts of responsibility , that their objective career progression had come to an end , that their own subject expertise was being compared unfavourably with that of their colleagues from former grammar schools , and that they were to be allocated the ‘ dirty work ’ of teaching the lower-ability groups in the lower streams — they formed a staff counterculture which set about resisting the initiatives of the head , and they withdrew that commitment and enthusiasm in the classroom that had previously been a major part of their secondary modern identity :
6 Later they told me that the examination had shown that I was not yet sixteen and that I was to be sent back on the next flight . ’
7 ‘ it was an unusual opportunity , to put it at its lowest , and that it is to be inferred from the evidence that it was one which was of particular interest to the Perot family .
8 It was noted that linking with the Roman Catholic Education Commission had causes problems of communication since the latter was mainly concerned with schools , and that it was to be hoped that putting the promotion of house groups on to the agenda of the Bishops ' Conference would prove more fruitful .
9 In the Communist Manifesto the claim is made quite explicitly that the family is to be abolished , education undertaken by the state and that there is to be ‘ a more equitable distribution of the population over the country ’ .
10 It is no coincidence that there is a letter signed by 11 paediatricians , a letter from a psychologist and letters in the local press attacking the Hon. Member for Middlesbrough ( Mr. Bell ) and me , and that there is to be a seminar at Teesside polytechnic next weekend , at which the guest speaker is :
11 Ianthe was sure it must mean that her uncle had been unable to come-for some comparatively harmless reason- and that there was to be no service that evening .
12 With the plaintiff 's cooperation and the assistance of care , they have seen to it that the plaintiff was not to be institutionalised and that she was to be brought back into a loving home and encouraged to be the thinking , intelligent and lively person she still is .
13 The concerns that have been expressed outside the park committees need to be fully voiced within them if the committees are to decide in the best interests of the parks and their purposes , and if they are to be seen to do so .
14 Indeed , if performance criteria are to be national , if they are to have currency throughout the system , and if they are to be as detailed and specific as the proponents of criterion-referenced testing insist , then this reform presages central intervention in the school curriculum of a most emphatic kind .
15 Authors are not supposed to avenge themselves in their writings , but they do , and if they were to be prevented , there would be far fewer books .
16 There was probably no ( easy ) alternative to the use of temporary workers ; and if they were to be employed , at least such workers should otherwise have the same rights as regular workers .
17 With regard to " temporality " ( in the sense in which this concept was used above ) , this can not be regarded as a sufficient condition of particularity so long as it is not shown that temporality alone ( in the indicated sense ) ensures numerical identity of particulars ; and if we are to be able to justifiably claim that it is a necessary condition of particularity , we must first show that there can be no extra-temporal particulars . "
18 People were poor ; even the better-off worked grinding hours on their farms , and if anything was to be fussed over , it was the old people or the children .
19 She needed a plan of action , she decided as she began the task of stripping several layers of wallpaper from the walls — a concerted campaign to protect the club , and if she were to be painfully honest , herself , from the marauding hands of the so-called Midnight Raider .
20 If not , and if there are to be individual assessments of the criteria , will the Foreign Secretary assure the House that if Germany decides that the criteria have been met and recognises the republics but Britain decides that the criteria have not been met , the United Kingdom will reserve the right not to recognise the republics ?
21 It is a threat because the Government have sat back willingly and said that they do not care if another 30 million tonnes of coal is taken out of the take and if there are to be gas-fired power stations .
22 If there is to be intelligence there must be memory , and if there is to be memory there must be a permanent , ordered structure to which each of the individual units is uniquely linked .
23 During my forthcoming Presidential Year it is my belief , as I know it is yours , that the Institute should and shall continue to look forward into the 90s and beyond and if there is to be a theme , it should quite simply be ‘ The Institute ’ .
24 A court order enables either party to go back to the court if unreasonable delay in carrying out the terms of the order is experienced , and if there is to be a conveyance of the matrimonal home following an agreement between the husband and the wife ( not incorporated into a court order ) it is always open to either party to make application to the court at any time .
25 All I can say to you is that if it is to be good news , it would give me more pleasure than I can say ; and if it is to be bad — I have gone through it , and Anne , and many others , and one does survive and go on , though you think you never will …
26 A cat is a carnivore and if it is to be kept as a pet it must be given a carnivorous diet .
27 If a tax is to be fair , if it is to have the support of the people and if it is to be collectable , it must be based on the fundamental principle of ability to pay .
28 Bonfire night is one of those traditions that we perpetuate and if it is to be perpetuated , then go to organized bonfires .
29 The GREY program has automatic intensity adjustment and if it were to be useful would need to be modified to provide a user override , at least during development of the measuring technique .
30 ’ — And if I am to be a great Kha-Khan , I ought to be able to recognise when I am being told the truth . ’
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