Example sentences of "and [conj] [pron] [vb base] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 It is only that I live in Dresden and that I fight like this that keeps me sane .
2 But nevertheless it 's im important to remember that this is a survey erm which is conducted at the time of year when most compan or many companies raise their list prices and if one looks at the past sort of record of this survey both at the regional level and the national level , one generally does see a bit of an upturn in the pr in the prices numbers at this time of year because people are raising their list prices erm and once you allow for that erm I think these numbers are er very good in terms of prices trends , very low for the time of year .
3 However , males are sexual opportunists and if they come across another male 's female they will try to mate with her .
4 ‘ In a democracy , that is very dangerous , because at the end of the day ministers are elected to take responsibility and if they fail in that , they are not doing their duty .
5 The most recent has been from the late 1970s through the 1980s , and if we think of those years as one of only four periods of major structural change in nearly two centuries we can appreciate that we have been living in interesting times .
6 And with Rentakil , and if you remember at that time , as he rightly said last night the idea of going with Rentakil , was that we thought they were a reputable firm ,
7 It 's pitch dark and you have to stand up dead straight and if you wobble at all you get spiked either by the glass on the walls or the nails on the door .
8 Yeah , but just sa say , if you come from th the top you , you 're like a a waist thing round you and if you fall off that 'll catch you .
9 And if you go down that road in every area of life , I think we 're storing tremendous trouble for ourselves as a society !
10 I mean it was what , what and if you go through all the papers you can see that , that Robert Maxwell really saw that self regulation erm legislation being that he could finally get control through an investment management company of his pension funds .
11 There is a tiny hole at the end , and if you go into this hole ( you 'd have to be as small as a fig wasp to do so , and they are minute : thankfully too small to notice when you eat a fig ) , you find hundreds of tiny flowers lining the walls .
12 So the revenue themselves do er a really good information service and if you go into any tax office , you do n't have to go to the counter , there 's often a queue or you get this little card system which , number system you 're , you 're next .
13 And if you go to this booklet here erm and see how many they have there it sometimes determines the amount of business you 're likely to generate .
14 Also , the open D that is played at the last 16th of bar 1 may have been accidental , and if you agree with this you might wish to play the B on the 9th fret of the D string instead …
15 And if you think of that and of the kettle that 'll rem that 'll remind you that it 's a K for kettle same as a K for kick .
16 and if you stand like that and state
17 erm it may be erm a a good idea to use it as a erm as a first scheme perhaps to erm to try and er car park and if you look at that at the beginning and just keep it on a on a rolling programme then all that does n't get so enormous er it does n't get such a a large task so maybe if er , but it does need coordinating perhaps we should think about it .
18 Again , if you go back before about eighteen hundred , if you look at er if you look at art , you find that painters paint things entitled The Rape of Europa , The Rape of , The Rape of whoever it is and if you look at these pictures it 's just people lounging around with not very many clothes on .
19 Right , and if you look at those , they look pretty er pretty uncorrelated .
20 And if you look at this , I mean this is actually women hours , but if you look at that .
21 It induces four hours of sleep , and if you sleep after that it 's a normal sleep .
22 cos er and if you say for all enquiries please call that .
23 Cos it 's very wet , and if you jump in this puddle and get your trousers wet we 'll never get out if we 've got to stop to change you .
24 I hope you find these comments helpful , and if you do at some stage produce such a jacket , please let me know .
25 And if you work on that presumption , and I 'm not suggesting you creep around frightened of your own shadow going at a slow speed , just wor working with deliberation and making sure you move through the situation competently , but do n't take anything for granted .
26 While this is less common now you can fit phone sockets all around the house , the hall still provides a useful central place for a phone , and if you decide on this option , you will need a chair , table and space for directories .
27 If they 're in a corrupt society and when they get to that position they they do n't do anything about it and accept
28 I 'd generally go to supper by eight , and when we stick to these old-fashioned rules we shall make our visitors conform to them too .
29 And when you tire of that , how about hiring a mountain bike and cycling through real mountains , or for the more traditional , cantering out through meadows and forest on horse-back .
30 And when you look at some of their shops and you see the same old wooden table that has been sitting out the front for months priced at £10 , or £20 , you realise the money has got to be coming from somewhere else — and we know it 's coming from knocking . ’
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