Example sentences of "and [conj] [pron] [vb base] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It will be your responsibility to organise any rehearsals scheduled for the day of the performance , making sure that teams know what time their slot is and that they keep to it .
2 It is important that all parents and pupils appreciate the ethos of their School and that they share in it and support it .
3 When you 've been around those guys a lot , you notice that they 're performers and that they perform for you .
4 Well , I suggest that Toby arranges to be on the trip and that you go with him , either as his close friend or in your professional capacity as a caddie , or a bit of both . ’
5 Concerns about dehydration if the child refuses to drink from any other source keeps these mothers in a state of anxiety and so they capitulate to their child 's demands to continue breastfeeding .
6 it erm it 's you 're doubling the material thickness and so you tend to you get dark
7 And that 's their right and so you think of something else we you 're not allowed to take them out of a favourite lesson , you 're not allowed to say you are going to miss your football or a P E P E teachers and the football teachers , quite rightly , say if you ca n't keep discipline in your class why why should we be penalized ?
8 ‘ You are a good officer , Merymose , ’ he said at last , ‘ and although I disagree with you about the capability of our Medjays , I respect your judgment .
9 They draw creatures towards them and if they shine on you , you ca n't see or think which way to go .
10 A great lady or a factory woman are independent persons — personages — the women of the middle classes are nobodies , and if they act for themselves they lose caste ! . ’
11 And if they look into you — you could be in deep water .
12 They must be produced by some other spirit , and if we attend to their ‘ constant regularity , order , … magnificence , beauty , and perfection ’ , we see that they must be produced by an ‘ eternal , infinitely wise , good , and perfect ’ spirit , which is God .
13 It is an unwritten agreement and if we renege on it , let us not be surprised if our dog loses his respect for us , for we are not worthy of being called Master .
14 And if we look at it from that standpoint I think we can begin to see , perhaps , that actually we 're all programmers , some of us less clear about it than others .
15 What I 'm gon na ask you to do , if you could introduce each of yourselves and say which pension fund you er come from er and if we start from your left , my right .
16 There 's all this steam coming out , sort of billowing out onto the street , and if I stand in it , it feels real warm .
17 In a way this standing behind and it 's unfortunate we have to have something as big as this table er and if I stand behind it then you know Gordon 's not getting my full centre line yep .
18 And if I feel like it , I wo n't just screw up your life with that stupid , lame bitch , I 'll make her part of the deal .
19 And if I run into their outriders ? ’
20 They ca n't feel me cos they do n't know I 'm there , and if I want to I can fly over their heads and leave them behind and live in the sky .
21 When writing to a building society , never omit the mortgage reference number , or there may be some delay in receiving a reply , and if you act for your client 's bank , building society , etc , you will of course normally ask them to send the deeds direct to you ; in such a case include in your letter , if there is an existing mortgage to be discharged on completion ( as there will be in the case of a building society and may be in the case of a bank ) , an undertaking to hold the deeds on behalf of the bank or society , to return them on demand , not to part with the same except on completion of the sale , and to discharge the society 's mortgage .
22 Our business is personal with him and if you get between us — ’ The factor waited for the threat but a tall cloaked figure standing beside Menzies had pulled his arm to forestall him .
23 They read your letters , and if you write in your own language they bring back your letter and ask you to write it in English .
24 I mean er and if you go through it goes on and on and on erm and the changes in policy come to be a problem .
25 ‘ The one and only thing you share ultimately together is sex and if you step outside your marriage you are sharing that one ultimate thing with another body another person , ’ Claudette tells him .
26 and if you keep on you wo n't see five
27 And if you think about it , that 's more than 11 hours each and every weekday .
28 And if you think about it you ca n't get a much bigger turn out than that .
29 All it is , is where the head of the femur is not correctly positioned in the hip socket and the proper name for the hip socket , you 'll see in your books is acetabulum This is definitely a condition which is familiar as a fam a family tendency and if you think about it if you have a , a , a big hip socket your children are likely to have big hip sockets it 's a family
30 And if you think about it logically you must know I could n't have followed you .
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